It looks like pretty standard Z-Wave functionality. There shouldn’t be any issues with Z-Wave JS. The only one that might be an issue is the presence of Transport Service CC v2, which is partially supported in Z-Wave JS. The receiving of TS messages is implemented, that’s probably the important part.
Otherwise, what will be missing are the device description (product name) and configuration parameters. The configuration parameters are well documented, so it’d be fairly easy to create a config file. All the notifications and multilevel sensor values are standard Z-Wave.
Oh, sorry, I posted the wrong link. Of course it is the z-wave plus version I requested help for.
As it should be working in general, I ordered one.
I post my experience with it later in the forum.
Maybe I´m able to create an according config file. We will see.
Sorry for my late reply. As I wrote earlier, the device integration in Z-Wave JS Integration worked flawless, when selecting the non-secure type of communication. I get the above sensors in HA.
Of course, the integration of a new Z-Wave device needs an active inclusion process initiated by the user/you. But this is general for Z-wave. Nothing special for this device.