EUROTronic CometBlue / Xavax Hama / Sygonix

Welcome to the club Stooovie.

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I created RP for adding battery status attribute to Florianā€™s implementation.


Hi, Iā€™ve added your repository to HACS (HACS > Settings > Add custom Repository).
Unfortunately the status of the entities is ā€œUnavailableā€.
What Iā€™ve done so far:

  1. Installed floxdeveloper/ha-cometblue via HACS.
  2. Edited the configuration.yaml as described. (I am sure the MAC Adresses of my devices are correct)
  3. The devices and entities are shown in my home-assistant frontend.
  4. Installed 2 thermostats as described by the manufacturer. They where running in Manual mode, but I tried Auto as well.
    Restarted and rebooted several times.

Did I miss something?
Does the ha-cometblue implementation take care of enabling the necessary blutooth capabilities of hassioā€™s host computer? Or do I need a Stick for BLE?

I have to I have a

  • Raspberry Pi 3B
  • HassOS 3.7
  • Home Assistant 0.103.6

Use my repo. It should work with all models now. I also included the battery levels added by @mirecekd.

You should also increase logging output:

    custom_components.cometblue: debug

Thanks for the quick response! Iā€™ll try that. Do you suggest to delete the cometblu directory from the previous install before I install your repo?

I would recommend that to be on the safe side.

In reference to your other questions:
The implementation should take care of enabling the necessary bluetooth capabilitites in combination with the default settings of hassio on a raspberry pi. And you do not need an additional stick, because Raspberry Pi 3B supports Bluetooth 4 including BLE. I am using one as well :+1:

I hope you get it working with @neffs repo, which should definitely be preferred over my repo, because mine is just a hacky adaption for the german Aldi version of the cometblue thermostat (THERMy). Otherwise please feel free to post a log with the logging settings of @neffs in his answer.

Thank you so much for sharing this, i wanted to get this running for month already.
However, i am running into a very specific problem
i got my first two Sygonix HT100 BT 2 or 3 years ago and my other two only recently.
It seems that they also changed the Software on those so i need two different components to talk to.

i am thinking about two different possibilities. i have no idea about programming whatsoever, so please bear with me:
1.) using Florianā€™s and Neffs script side by side. is this possible by just changing the name of it and using that different name in the configuration.yaml?

2.) using Neffs code, changing the name, and changing the code to use a copy of cometblue-lite module. however, i have no idea what to change in the cometblue-lite module to get it to use another handler. Again, i have no idea about neither coding nor python and im still trying to understand and learning what is happening.

i dont No1 is working, but it seems the easier approach to get it working. I, however would like to somehow go approach 2 if it is somehow possible to have similar code.

Well these are just thoughts, please, more experience people, i am looking for your input on how i can make it work. A point in the right direction would be already helpful.


Unfortunately the entity is still in the unavailable status.
Here are the Logs:

Can't connect to cometblue (E0:E5:CF:E4:0E:58). Did you set the correct PIN?
9:25 PM custom_components/cometblue/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 9:18 PM and shows up 2 times
Updating cometblue climate took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:01:00
9:25 PM helpers/ (WARNING) - message first occurred at 9:18 PM and shows up 2 times

Location of the device:

  • installed on the radiator
  • next to the pi

Mode: manual

MAC: double checked


  • 000000
  • 0

I am not sure if this helps, but have you tested to connect to them manually via command line?

i used this commands

char-write-req 0x0047 00000000 worked for my old Sygonix
char-write-req 0x0048 00000000 worked for my new ones

As far as I understand Florian i using
PASSWORD_HANDLE = 0x48 to connect and
TEMPERATURE_HANDLE = 0x3d to read the temperature
Those are used by the new Sygonix ones (sold at conrad) and the Lidl ones.

how neffs is work, i dont understand too well as Iā€™m not a programmer but apparently he using UUIDs instead of the handles directly. It works for my older Sygonix that only accept the 0x47 but i couldnā€™t get it to work with my new ones.

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Youā€™ve helped me a lot! Thank you!
Because of your suggestion to test the connection via my host I found out that

my MAC addresses where wrong!

BTW here is how to find out the MAC of your cometblue device:

This is not so obvious if you have an installation like me.

You have to SSH to the host for HassOS based, not your hassio docker container!
Meaning ssh [email protected] -p 22222.
For anyone whoā€™s curious this is described in detail in the article on SSH access to the host for HassOS based

sh [email protected] -p 22222

To access to host system type ā€˜loginā€™.


to see your cometblue devices

hcitool lescan

you should see something like thisā€¦

80:30:DC:E4:20:35 Comet Blue

In case you get an error here: Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error type:

hciconfig hci0 down
hciconfig hci0 up

ā€¦ and try again: hcitool lescan

gatttool -I

type connect 80:30:DC:E4:20:35:

[                 ][LE]> connect 80:30:DC:E4:20:35
Attempting to connect to 80:30:DC:E4:20:35
Connection successful

for me char-write-req 0x0048 00000000 didnā€™t work:

[80:30:DC:E4:20:35][LE]> char-write-req 0x0048 00000000         
Error: Characteristic Write Request failed: Invalid handle

however char-write-req 0x0047 00000000 worked:

[80:30:DC:E4:20:35][LE]> char-write-req 0x0047 00000000
Characteristic value was written successfully

to read the temperature type char-read-hnd 0x003f

[80:30:DC:E4:20:35][LE]> char-read-hnd 0x003f
Characteristic value/descriptor: 25 0f 2a 2a 00 0c 0a

The first number 25 is hex ( 0x25 ) meaning 37 in decimal.
To make sense of that calculate 37 / 2 = 18.5 Ā°C

All I had to do was to correct my wrong MAC addresses in the configuration.yaml and restart. After that, my old entities still displayed unavailable. So make sure you add the ā€œnewā€ ones.

Hi all,

I learned that there are different versions (ā€œfaceliftsā€?) of the Sygonix HT100 BT.
Is anybody able to confirm that this plugin works with exactly the Sygonix 700100417 ?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Hi All,

Iā€™ve just bought a Sygonix thermostat (%product-title% kaufen) and realized that it uses a different protocol to communicate with its own hub first (RF protocol) then the hub uses wifi. Do you have any experience with this setup? I think your incredible cometblue integration canā€™t handle this. I have tried, but I couldnā€™t find my devices via Bluetooth, so then came the realization of the RF protocolā€¦ thanks for your reply in advance!

You should probably have a look at the tuya integration.

anyone using the integrationā€¦? Or to which one should I change after this being deprecated since 2022.7?

THANKS in advance!

This still works.
Not sure how long Iā€™ll keep maintaining it, because I mostly switched to Homematic IP Thermostats.

Hi folks,
can anyone point me in the right direction. Running HA in Docker, installed HACS and cometblue integration. What are the next steps?

I started setting up home assistant last year but never really finished it.
I use a Rasperry Pi 3 that is only meant to collect the information from my Cometblue thermostats. This worked - sometimes unreliably, but likely because of bad reception. The collected information is then used via Remote Home-Assistant on another small PC.

I wanted to dig into Home Assistant again trying to get everything running for this season, and did update everything to start with an up-to-date version (Home Assistant 2022.9.7). I now lost the Cometblue thermostats.
The integration has also been updated, it is listed in HACS->Integrations (Version 3be7297).

I now get an error:
Platform error: climate - Integration ā€˜cometblueā€™ not found.

from my configuration.yaml:

climate cometblue:
  platform: cometblue
      mac: 54:4A:16:2E:2A:00
      pin: 000000
      mac: 98:7B:F3:9F:24:C9
      pin: 000000

@neffs how can I fix this?


Please restart Home Assistant and check error messages further up during startup.

That did not help, but removing and re-adding the cometblue integration worked. weirdā€¦

This integration cannot change temperatures/times set in the thermostats or activate holiday-modes, right?

unfortunately there is no equivalent in Home Assistant. Climate - Home Assistant