Eurotronic error messages regarding TRV mode and modes switch for no reason

So i got these 4 Eurotronic Zigbee trv’s
At the moment 1 have 2 issues:

  1. They tend to go back to trv mode 2 (their local setpoint mode, instead of mode 1 which allow me to just set the % of the valve via automation)
  2. Error messages regarding these modes which make no sense to me.
    Invalid option for select.radiator_woonkamer_1_eurotronic_trv_mode: '1' (valid options: [1, 2])

Also looking at the zigbee2mqtt page it says to set legay to false. But its not clear to me where todo that. I have read the doc but should it be done in the configuration.yaml or the devices.yaml?
Putting that line into the devices.yaml by the device id thats already in there just removes it at the next restart.

As for problem #2 in the full log it happens every 7-6 seconds. Seems a tad much :frowning:

Version installed: Zigbee2mqtt (1.21.1-1) on Home Assistant 2021.9.7
Eurotronic devices: SPZB0001 on firmware 18181120, 18190930 (same errors on different firmwares)

For anyone viewing this, the errors kept coming from the entity’s themselves. After deleting them no more errors. I’ll post this on the zigbee2mqtt github.

I’ll do everything with mqtt, have not found out why they switch back. But i’m going to make an automation that forces them into mode 1 daily. Lets see if that works.

Hello , i have the same issue how do you solve it ?

Still in the progress of testing and finishing up the automations. I’ll post here when its stable.

In the end i just disabled all the entities from the Eurotronics TRV’s and dealt with them via mqtt directly.
I did the hacky thing of sending the trv mode each 2 hours to all the TRV’s (with 20 sec delay between each of them.)

For my living room this automation:

alias: Radiator Woonkamer
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.heating_woonkamer
    to: 'on'
    id: WoonkamerHeatOn
    from: 'off'
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.heating_woonkamer
    id: WoonkamerHeatOff
    to: 'off'
    from: 'on'
      hours: 0
      minutes: 1
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: WoonkamerHeatOn
          - service: mqtt.publish
              topic: zigbee2mqtt/Radiator Woonkamer 1/set
              payload: '{"eurotronic_valve_position":255}'
          - service: mqtt.publish
              topic: zigbee2mqtt/Radiator Woonkamer 2/set
              payload: '{"eurotronic_valve_position":255}'
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: WoonkamerHeatOff
          - service: mqtt.publish
              topic: zigbee2mqtt/Radiator Woonkamer 1/set
              payload: '{"eurotronic_valve_position":0}'
          - service: mqtt.publish
              topic: zigbee2mqtt/Radiator Woonkamer 2/set
              payload: '{"eurotronic_valve_position":0}'
    default: []
mode: single

And for the TRV mode set:

alias: ResetTRVMode
description: Hourly Reset TRV
  - platform: time_pattern
    hours: /2
condition: []
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: zigbee2mqtt/Radiator Woonkamer 2/set
      payload: '{"eurotronic_trv_mode":1}'
  - delay:
      seconds: 20
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: zigbee2mqtt/Radiator Woonkamer 1/set
      payload: '{"eurotronic_trv_mode":1}'
  - delay:
      seconds: 20
mode: single
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@Dujith @Maurizion I finally figured it out i hope (still testing so bare with me)

The valve will revert back to automatic mode (trv_mode=2) when no valve position has been posted for some time. Not sure how long (still testing this) This means that when you do not tell the valve its position for some time it will fall back to temperature based and controls the valve automatically based on the temperature in the room.

I guess this is a safety precausion so that when your zigbee network falls of the grid the valve will take over and makes sure that it wont get too cold.

I have been posting the same valve_position for a few hours now to the valve every 5 minutes and it seems like the valve stays in trv_mode 1 now. So you dont have to change TRV mode every time just make sure the valve position keeps updating even when its the same for a longer period of time.

I cant be 100% sure because im only testing it for a few hours now. But so far its promising. Its also quite logical. If you have your whole house full of these valves and all are closed. And for some reason home assistant or z2m crashes. it could be that your house will start to get freezing cold if you for example are on holiday. with this safety the valves will take over and start controlling the valves on the temp its set on. Im only confused Eurotronic doesnt mention any of this in the manual. Which would be allot better

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I’m gonna try this with 30 min and stop sending the trv mode, as it would still sometimes switch back to trv 2 mode.

posting the trv mode did nothing for me. It only swithced back the mode to 1 when it was automatically changed to 2 before. posting the valve position does actually keep the trv to 1.

This valve is hard to debug and its doing its own stuff all over the place. Last night it still managed to switch back to trv mode 2. When investigating it happened when the measured temperature on the trv dropped below 15. I think thios happened because the heating mode was on auto. in which it still monitors the temp and will take over when the temp drops to much under the setpoint. Today i have set heating mode to off, trv_mode to 1 and posting the valve_position every 5 minutes. I hope it will stay on trv 1 forever now.

It looks like this trv has tons of watchdogs and safety measurements to make sure that nothing bad happens. If only we could turn them all off…

Shouldnt it be set to Heat? Havent tested yet but Off sound like actually off.

Off has nothing to do with the valve position. Yesterday the temperature on the valve got below 15 again and trv mode stayed 1… So far so good.

The heat mode is not a mode Trv’s support. They can’t do anything else then heat. These mode are more for AC’s in which you can choose to cool dry or heat. When putting the trv in off mode they temp drops to 5 degrees setpoint I guess the lower setpoint will keep it in trv mode 1 because the temp doesn’t drop under the treshold