Eurotronic Spirit Radiator thermostat status in HA

I am trying to display the status of a Eurotronic Radiator Thermostat in my HA to drive some automations and notification. With Status I mean, heater ‘on’ or ‘off’, or in other words ‘heating’ or ‘not heating’ the room. I can’t seem to get this status directly as the state attribute gives me the hvac_modes (‘Auto’, ‘heat’ or ‘off’). I figured I could use the valve position to achieve the same, position 0 = ‘off’ and > 0 = ‘on’ with a binary template sensor.

I am still very new to the templates subject and am really struggling to get this working correctly. I tried 3 different binary template sensor setups but neither of them worked to my liking or at all:


platform: template
                  entity_id: climate.bedroom_heater_thermostat
                  value_template: "{ state_attr('climate.bedroom_heater_thermostat', 'valve') | float > 0 }"
                  friendly_name: Bedroom Heater Thermostat State

This will always show ‘off’ even the expression { state_attr('climate.bedroom_heater_thermostat', 'valve') | float > 0 } evaluates to ‘True’ in the template editor if the valve is open


platform: template
                    entity_id: climate.bedroom_heater_thermostat
                    value_template: "{{states('climate.bedroom_heater_thermostat.valve') | float > 0 }}"
                    friendly_name: Bedroom Heater Thermostat State 2

This will also always show ‘off’ but again evaluates to ‘True’ in template editor for an open valve.


platform: template
                    entity_id: climate.bedroom_heater_thermostat
                    value_template: "{{is_state_attr('climate.bedroom_heater_thermostat', 'valve', 0 )}}"
                    friendly_name: Bedroom Heater Thermostat State 3

This will give me ‘on’ when the valve is closed as the statement is ‘True’ when the position is 0 (obviously).

I have the feeling it should somehow be possible to achieve the desired outcome without another sensor to invert the binary sensor outcome. So please help me, what would be the correct way to get my heater ‘on’ and ‘off’ states to use in HA from the thermostat?
