I use those devices since about 2 years and hadn’t much troubles yet. About 6 month ago I did migrate from Open Z-Wave to Z-Wave JS (V0.1.45 currently) in combination with Z-Wave JS to MQTT.
I’m not quite sure if the problem exists since the migration, or if it is caused by an update.
But when I started to use my heating again I noticed that the air temperature wasn’t accurate anymore. In fact my HA Z-Wave setup does not refresh those values anymore. When I go to to the Z-Wave JS to MQTT Dashboard I can manually refresh the values and they get accurate then.
But because I did build an automation which uses the all the room temperature values I need to get this working properly. Are having other people similar issues?
Ok did a bit of research and landed on this tutorial how to open an issue in the Z-Wave JS repository. But so far this sounds quite unfamiliar to me, so if anybody could give me some hints I would appreciate it very much. https://zwave-js.github.io/node-zwave-js/#/troubleshooting/no-updates
I’m having a strange problem similar to this since moving from the old zwave integration, which was working perfectly, to zwave.js (had to completely rebuild the network as the migration wizard failed spectacularly)
Zwave.js info:
Driver Version: 8.7.7
Server Version: 1.12.0
Z-stick GEN5 ZW090
by AEON Labs
Firmware: 1.1
I’m no longer able to get the status of my thermostat, which is temperature set point and modes (heat, cool, etc) and the fan settings. They just don’t update, or land on something completely arbitrary.
What does work is probably telling. The sensors work. I can read current room temperature and humidity. I can also SET the temperature, and I can set the mode, and I can turn the fan on and off as usual, but none of these changes are propagating back to home assistant. I set the heat to 68°F and the thermostat takes the command, but then home assistant shows the set point going back to whatever the original value was.
However (BIG however) when I change the temperature setpoint via the buttons on then physical thermostat, it propagates back to Home assistant.
I use the nabucasa integration to link to Google assistant, and it’s messed up there too.
They all worked great under the old z-wave.
The thermostat is the CT32 by Radio Thermostat Company of America (RTC), Firmware: 10.0 which is in the database.
I hope this gets cleared up. I can’t be the only person this is happening to.
I understand. Thank you for clarifying your situation.
I bring this up because perhaps the problem lies in zwave.js and how it interfaces with thermostats. A problem of this sort would present itself in both your case and mine. I am not using MQTT, yet we’re having very similar experiences (the most similar I can find on the forums anyway) so this seems like a good place to compare notes, and figure out what questions to ask next. We may yet be in the same boat.
I had this exact same problem with the eurotronic spirit thermostat not updating its state after a change in setpoint or mode, since a recent zwavejs update. I now updated the zwavejs integration from 0.1.49 to version 0.1.50, which includes zwavejs 8.8.3, and the problem disappeared. So yes, I think this is related to zwavejs, not specifically this thermostat.
The states do update now in version 0.1.50 although a bit slow: the thermostats itself update really soon after doing the setting (<1 second), the state update is shown anywhere between immediately and 10 seconds later, usually about five seconds.
This is much better than not updating, but still much slower than with the openzwave plugin.