Eurotronic zwave sprint - batteries discharged in 24h

Recently I bought 19 Zwave Sprint thermostats. 3 are already installed as proof of concept for heating system at my home.

I have a problem with 2 out of 3 Zwave Sprint thermostats - fast battery usage:
First one discharges the batteries within 24h-30h max (3 sets within 4 days).
The second thermostat discharges batteries with speed about 10% / 24h
The very last thermostat works hopefully fine (change of capacity of battery was not reported since it was installed, about 24h ago)

Do you know what could be an issue here?
I am a bit of scared to unpack and install remaining 16 thermostats if there may be general issue with the devices.

Hopefully I did not buy any fake devices from amazon.

My configuration:

  • Zstick 7 + Home Assistant with ZWaveJS add-on (MQTT is not used)
  • 3 Zwave Sprint thermostats (configuration is the same for all of them)

Attached, please find dump of configuration files:

  • node 1 - controller
  • node 6 - discharge batteries at about 100% / 24 hours speed (distance to controller about 15m)

Can you advise please?

  "id": 1,
  "name": "",
  "loc": "",
  "values": [],
  "groups": [],
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  "ready": true,
  "available": true,
  "hassDevices": {},
  "failed": false,
  "inited": true,
  "hexId": "0x0000-0x0004-0x0004",
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  "manufacturerId": 0,
  "productId": 4,
  "productType": 4,
  "deviceConfig": {
    "filename": "/usr/src/app/store/.config-db/devices/0x0000/700_series_controller.json",
    "isEmbedded": true,
    "manufacturer": "Silicon Labs",
    "manufacturerId": 0,
    "label": "ZST10-700",
    "description": "700 Series-based Controller",
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        "productId": 4
    "firmwareVersion": {
      "min": "0.0",
      "max": "255.255"
  "productLabel": "ZST10-700",
  "productDescription": "700 Series-based Controller",
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  "firmwareVersion": "7.15",
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    "generic": 2,
    "specific": 1
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    "timeoutResponse": 0,
    "timeoutCallback": 0,
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  "_name": "NodeID_1"


  "id": 6,
  "name": "Grzejnik Pokój Janki",
  "loc": "Pokój Janki",
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      "newValue": 2
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      "commandClassName": "Configuration",
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      "writeable": true,
      "label": "Temperature Offset",
      "default": 0,
      "stateless": false,
      "min": -128,
      "max": 50,
      "unit": "1/10 °C",
      "list": true,
      "allowManualEntry": true,
      "states": [
          "text": "Ext temp sensor be used for regul",
          "value": -128
      "value": 0,
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      "nodeId": 6,
      "commandClass": 113,
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      "propertyKeyName": "Battery maintenance status",
      "type": "number",
      "readable": true,
      "writeable": false,
      "label": "Battery maintenance status",
      "ccSpecific": {
        "notificationType": 8
      "stateless": false,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 255,
      "list": true,
      "states": [
          "text": "idle",
          "value": 0
          "text": "Replace battery soon",
          "value": 10
          "text": "Replace battery now",
          "value": 11
      "value": 0,
      "newValue": 0
      "id": "6-113-0-System-Hardware status",
      "nodeId": 6,
      "commandClass": 113,
      "commandClassName": "Notification",
      "endpoint": 0,
      "property": "System",
      "propertyName": "System",
      "propertyKey": "Hardware status",
      "propertyKeyName": "Hardware status",
      "type": "number",
      "readable": true,
      "writeable": false,
      "label": "Hardware status",
      "ccSpecific": {
        "notificationType": 9
      "stateless": false,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 255,
      "list": true,
      "states": [
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          "value": 0
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      "value": 0,
      "newValue": 0
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      "text": "Lifeline",
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      "value": 1,
      "maxNodes": 1,
      "isLifeline": true,
      "multiChannel": false
  "neighbors": [],
  "ready": true,
  "available": true,
  "hassDevices": {
    "climate_thermostat": {
      "type": "climate",
      "object_id": "thermostat",
      "values": [
        "49-0-Air temperature",
      "mode_map": {
        "off": 0,
        "heat": 1,
        "cool": 11
      "setpoint_topic": {
        "1": "67-0-setpoint-1",
        "11": "67-0-setpoint-11"
      "default_setpoint": "67-0-setpoint-1",
      "discovery_payload": {
        "min_temp": 8,
        "max_temp": 28,
        "modes": [
        "mode_state_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/64/0/mode",
        "mode_command_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/64/0/mode/set",
        "current_temperature_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/49/0/Air_temperature",
        "temp_step": 0.5,
        "current_temperature_template": "{{ value_json.value }}",
        "temperature_state_template": "{{ value_json.value }}",
        "temperature_command_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/67/0/setpoint/1/set",
        "mode_state_template": "{{ {0: \"off\", 1: \"heat\", 11: \"cool\"}[value_json.value] | default('off') }}",
        "temperature_state_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/67/0/setpoint/1",
        "temperature_unit": "C",
        "precision": 0.1,
        "device": {
          "identifiers": [
          "manufacturer": "Eurotronics",
          "model": "Thermostatic Valve (Spirit)",
          "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki",
          "sw_version": "0.16"
        "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki_thermostat",
        "unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xc4e451e2_Node6_thermostat"
      "discoveryTopic": "climate/Pokój_Janki-Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/thermostat/config",
      "persistent": false,
      "ignoreDiscovery": false
    "light_dimmer": {
      "type": "light",
      "object_id": "dimmer",
      "discovery_payload": {
        "command_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/38/0/targetValue/set",
        "state_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/38/0/currentValue",
        "state_value_template": "{{ \"OFF\" if value_json.value == 0 else \"ON\" }}",
        "brightness_command_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/38/0/targetValue/set",
        "brightness_scale": 99,
        "brightness_state_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/38/0/currentValue",
        "brightness_value_template": "{{ value_json.value }}",
        "on_command_type": "brightness",
        "device": {
          "identifiers": [
          "manufacturer": "Eurotronics",
          "model": "Thermostatic Valve (Spirit)",
          "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki",
          "sw_version": "0.16"
        "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki_dimmer",
        "unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xc4e451e2_6-38-0-currentValue"
      "discoveryTopic": "light/Pokój_Janki-Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/dimmer/config",
      "values": [
      "persistent": false,
      "ignoreDiscovery": false
    "sensor_notification_power_management_battery_maintenance_status": {
      "type": "sensor",
      "object_id": "notification_power_management_battery_maintenance_status",
      "discovery_payload": {
        "value_template": "{{ {0: \"idle\",10: \"Replace battery soon\",11: \"Replace battery now\"}[value_json.value] | default(value_json.value) }}",
        "icon": "mdi:alarm-light",
        "state_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/113/0/Power_Management/Battery_maintenance_status",
        "json_attributes_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/113/0/Power_Management/Battery_maintenance_status",
        "device": {
          "identifiers": [
          "manufacturer": "Eurotronics",
          "model": "Thermostatic Valve (Spirit)",
          "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki",
          "sw_version": "0.16"
        "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki_notification_power_management_battery_maintenance_status",
        "unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xc4e451e2_6-113-0-Power_Management-Battery_maintenance_status"
      "discoveryTopic": "sensor/Pokój_Janki-Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/notification_power_management_battery_maintenance_status/config",
      "values": [
        "113-0-Power Management-Battery maintenance status"
      "persistent": false,
      "ignoreDiscovery": false
    "binary_sensor_hardware_status": {
      "type": "binary_sensor",
      "object_id": "hardware_status",
      "discovery_payload": {
        "payload_on": 3,
        "payload_off": 0,
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.value }}",
        "device_class": "problem",
        "state_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/113/0/System/Hardware_status",
        "json_attributes_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/113/0/System/Hardware_status",
        "device": {
          "identifiers": [
          "manufacturer": "Eurotronics",
          "model": "Thermostatic Valve (Spirit)",
          "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki",
          "sw_version": "0.16"
        "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki_hardware_status",
        "unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xc4e451e2_6-113-0-System-Hardware_status"
      "discoveryTopic": "binary_sensor/Pokój_Janki-Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/hardware_status/config",
      "values": [
        "113-0-System-Hardware status"
      "persistent": false,
      "ignoreDiscovery": false
    "sensor_battery_level": {
      "type": "sensor",
      "object_id": "battery_level",
      "discovery_payload": {
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.value }}",
        "device_class": "battery",
        "unit_of_measurement": "%",
        "state_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/128/0/level",
        "json_attributes_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/128/0/level",
        "device": {
          "identifiers": [
          "manufacturer": "Eurotronics",
          "model": "Thermostatic Valve (Spirit)",
          "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki",
          "sw_version": "0.16"
        "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki_battery_level",
        "unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xc4e451e2_6-128-0-level"
      "discoveryTopic": "sensor/Pokój_Janki-Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/battery_level/config",
      "values": [
      "persistent": false,
      "ignoreDiscovery": false
    "binary_sensor_battery_islow": {
      "type": "binary_sensor",
      "object_id": "battery_islow",
      "discovery_payload": {
        "payload_on": true,
        "payload_off": false,
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.value }}",
        "device_class": "battery",
        "state_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/128/0/isLow",
        "json_attributes_topic": "zwave/Pokój_Janki/Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/128/0/isLow",
        "device": {
          "identifiers": [
          "manufacturer": "Eurotronics",
          "model": "Thermostatic Valve (Spirit)",
          "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki",
          "sw_version": "0.16"
        "name": "Pokój Janki-Grzejnik Pokój Janki_battery_islow",
        "unique_id": "zwavejs2mqtt_0xc4e451e2_6-128-0-isLow"
      "discoveryTopic": "binary_sensor/Pokój_Janki-Grzejnik_Pokój_Janki/battery_islow/config",
      "values": [
      "persistent": false,
      "ignoreDiscovery": false
  "failed": false,
  "inited": true,
  "hexId": "0x0148-0x0003-0x0001",
  "dbLink": "",
  "manufacturerId": 328,
  "productId": 1,
  "productType": 3,
  "deviceConfig": {
    "filename": "/usr/src/app/store/.config-db/devices/0x0148/spirit.json",
    "isEmbedded": true,
    "manufacturer": "Eurotronics",
    "manufacturerId": 328,
    "label": "Spirit",
    "description": "Thermostatic Valve",
    "devices": [
        "productType": 3,
        "productId": 1
        "productType": 3,
        "productId": 3
    "firmwareVersion": {
      "min": "0.0",
      "max": "255.255"
    "paramInformation": {
      "_map": {}
  "productLabel": "Spirit",
  "productDescription": "Thermostatic Valve",
  "manufacturer": "Eurotronics",
  "firmwareVersion": "0.16",
  "protocolVersion": 3,
  "zwavePlusVersion": 1,
  "zwavePlusNodeType": 0,
  "zwavePlusRoleType": 7,
  "nodeType": 1,
  "endpointsCount": 0,
  "endpointIndizes": [],
  "isSecure": true,
  "security": "S2_Unauthenticated",
  "supportsSecurity": false,
  "supportsBeaming": true,
  "isControllerNode": false,
  "isListening": false,
  "isFrequentListening": "1000ms",
  "isRouting": true,
  "keepAwake": false,
  "maxDataRate": 100000,
  "deviceClass": {
    "basic": 4,
    "generic": 8,
    "specific": 6
  "deviceId": "328-1-3",
  "status": "Alive",
  "interviewStage": "Complete",
  "statistics": {
    "commandsTX": 161,
    "commandsRX": 268,
    "commandsDroppedRX": 2,
    "commandsDroppedTX": 0,
    "timeoutResponse": 2
  "lastActive": 1635318528373,
  "batteryLevel": 100,
  "_name": "Grzejnik Pokój Janki (Pokój Janki)"

Hi Jakub,

that they eat the battery so quick, is not normal. I use the same spirit z-wave devices (8) since some weeks now and all of them are at 100 - 95% battery Level. Only one eurotronic spirit zigbee Version in my setup went down to 75% after 3 weeks.
The only different in my setup is that I use the default zwave-js and not zwavejs2mqtt like you.
Btw I ordered the devices aswell at Amazon, match with your link.
In your case return these 2 strange devices to Amazon and test with some others from your order. If more fail then something in your zwave Network is maybe wrong configured (polling the FLIRS devices?)

at least I can tell you that it is not a general problem

Thanks @Chris_H !

That at least solves the worry about fake devices :muscle:.
I will try different setups (this costs time only) - it’s possible that I did something untypical here.
What kind of controller do you use?

After some observations - my biggest concern are valves - mine are ~20 years old - maybe they require to much power from the devices? - I can see that the sprint device requiring the most power is changing its state quite often. I bought one new valve, will replace and run next series of tests.

The controller I use is a ZMEEUZB1

regarding the vales mine have same age as yours.
You may can try this: fittings grease

Interesting discovery,

If I set any value but 0 as “Valve opening percentage report” the node starts to send valve opening report every minute. Should the report be sent only if change is proportionally big?
Other installed sprint devices don’t report every minute but on changes only (as expected).

Seems this is the reason why batteries are used so fast.
But any ideas why it happens? I would need to have changes reported as my idea is to use machine learning to steer the whole heating system in future.

P.S. first post was about node 6, now it 5 but this is the same problematic device.

2021-10-28T00:36:03.257Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001050f9f038c0043385e7b633fcc13d5f4e900c584              (26 bytes)
2021-10-28T00:36:03.266Z CNTRLR   [Node 005] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 99 => 99         [Endpoint 0]
2021-10-28T00:36:03.272Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-10-28T00:36:03.274Z DRIVER « [Node 005] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 140
                                        current value: 99
2021-10-28T00:37:04.261Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001050f9f038d00b59a7e359795d7bae4bf9d00c55d              (26 bytes)
2021-10-28T00:37:04.270Z CNTRLR   [Node 005] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 99 => 99         [Endpoint 0]
2021-10-28T00:37:04.276Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-10-28T00:37:04.278Z DRIVER « [Node 005] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 141
                                        current value: 99
2021-10-28T00:38:05.263Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001050f9f038e003537f990e56d181c0ea8d700c505              (26 bytes)
2021-10-28T00:38:05.272Z CNTRLR   [Node 005] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 99 => 99         [Endpoint 0]
2021-10-28T00:38:05.278Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-10-28T00:38:05.280Z DRIVER « [Node 005] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 142
                                        current value: 99

Hi Jakub, have You tried to factory reset valve? Of course it will be better to remove node from controller and then factory reset. I’ve 3 Eurotronic Spirit Z-wave (2x f/w: 0.16 and 1x 0.15) and none of them discharge batteries so quickly.

Thanks to @Chris_H and his advises I did some tests during last 3 days.

First discovery is distance - I will need to buy repeaters to keep the network stable (probably one on each floor and in the garage).

I also found thousands!! of client-server TX/RX messages in the logs (including proper ones but also duplications, valve opening reports sent every minute, errors related to encoding of messages, …). Then I discovered that some of nodes were like not properly included in the network (they theoretically worked but very unstable). Strange as it was not a single sprint device but 2-3 in some tests (and distance was already corrected). Factory reset of nodes helped.

Since yesterday network is stable (controller + 4 thermostats), 150 RX and 10 TX only in about 20h. Air temp. and valve opening changes are sent properly (0.5sC and 5% change respectively)

I am still not yet 100% sure if I solved all problems but since yesterday there was no change of batteries’ levels.

Hi Jacub,

Glad the tips helped and pointed you in the right direction.
A stable network is always important. Best bind the spirits as secure.
To get a bit more battery live you can use the display timout setting.

Hi Chris

Yes, display timeout set to 10s, back-light disabled, S2 unauthenticated bind set as well.
Thanks for help.

I will be anyway changing valves to new ones in next few days as the 3 I bought for test are requiring much less energy to push (close) than the old valves installed at my house now.

Hi Friends

It looks like one of the issues is within firmware. I found two cases of unexpected behavior today.
For test purposes I set “valve percentage opening report” to 5 (which means do report if valve’s state change is greater than 5%).

Example 1:
It was fine until change from 98 to 99 and then node started to report every minute.

Example 2:
Exactly the same scenario but valve changes from 1 to 0 and then reported every minute.

The way to stop this continues reporting was to change thermostat’s mode to Off and then Heat again.

I will try to report the issue via Eurotronic support. Just not sure if they publish firmware updates and users can upgrade firmware by themselves.

############# Example 1 logs
2021-11-02T11:21:38.350Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001020f9f034500ac99b52ba297660c8eb53100a7c3              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T11:21:38.366Z CNTRLR   [Node 002] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 93 => 98         [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T11:21:38.371Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T11:21:38.375Z DRIVER « [Node 002] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 69
                                        current value: 98
2021-11-02T11:23:40.363Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001020f9f034600dfd5810beb95d0514d631900a776              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T11:23:40.370Z CNTRLR   [Node 002] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 98 => 99         [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T11:23:40.373Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T11:23:40.376Z DRIVER « [Node 002] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 70
                                        current value: 99
2021-11-02T11:24:41.353Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001020f9f034700f2282cac288afefbc6b0ab00a71f              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T11:24:41.362Z CNTRLR   [Node 002] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 99 => 99         [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T11:24:41.365Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T11:24:41.368Z DRIVER « [Node 002] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 71
                                        current value: 99
2021-11-02T11:25:42.359Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001020f9f034800cab1d4bcacf3b2e93705c000a7d5              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T11:25:42.372Z CNTRLR   [Node 002] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 99 => 99         [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T11:25:42.376Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T11:25:42.380Z DRIVER « [Node 002] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 72
                                        current value: 99
2021-11-02T11:26:43.362Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001020f9f034900d4a2aa709a6a61ddad746c00a764              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T11:26:43.374Z CNTRLR   [Node 002] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 99 => 99         [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T11:26:43.378Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T11:26:43.382Z DRIVER « [Node 002] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 73
                                        current value: 99
[.... and continues]

############# Example 2 logs
2021-11-02T12:00:57.246Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001030f9f0384008ca14a62dea346c60eea9300a471              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T12:00:57.257Z CNTRLR   [Node 003] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 7 => 1           [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T12:00:57.262Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T12:00:57.265Z DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 132
                                        current value: 1

2021-11-02T12:01:58.253Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001030f9f0385004ca724fd1810e0f10cc57b00a567              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T12:01:58.266Z CNTRLR   [Node 003] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 1 => 0           [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T12:01:58.274Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T12:01:58.278Z DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 133
                                        current value: 0
2021-11-02T12:02:59.253Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001030f9f03860069877940ea6733fe1a7f8a00a282              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T12:02:59.264Z CNTRLR   [Node 003] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 0 => 0           [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T12:02:59.268Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T12:02:59.272Z DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 134
                                        current value: 0
2021-11-02T12:04:00.257Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001030f9f0387008e79d5aad4b03fcf3d15a000a16c              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T12:04:00.272Z CNTRLR   [Node 003] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 0 => 0           [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T12:04:00.275Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T12:04:00.278Z DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 135
                                        current value: 0
2021-11-02T12:05:01.261Z SERIAL « 0x011800a80001030f9f038800e10e982c6bf56ec897bf6900a2d6              (26 bytes)
2021-11-02T12:05:01.272Z CNTRLR   [Node 003] [~] [Multilevel Switch] currentValue: 0 => 0           [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T12:05:01.277Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T12:05:01.281Z DRIVER « [Node 003] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 136
                                        current value: 0
[.... and continues]

Hello, I Have the same issue. My batteries are down in less than a week.

Backlight disable.
LCD Timeout : 10s
Window open detection disable
S2 unauthenticated
Valve opening percentage : 0.

FW : 0.16

Any update from Eurotronic Support ?