EV1527 switch


I have bought a cheap chinese switch (KTNN 86 RF433) with 2 touch buttons. The switch has a EV1527 chip.
The switch is picked up by Home-Assistant (automatic_add): 091300006dda88019a70. The other button is almost identical: 091300036dda82019870

But pushing the buttons doesn’t change the state (nor on nor off). As in the log, it sends an unrecognized command. Does anybody have ideas how to configure this device in Home Assistant?


2019-03-27 21:00:25 DEBUG (Thread-2) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx.binary_sensor] Binary sensor update (Device ID: 6dda88 Class: LightingDevice Sub: 0)
2019-03-27 21:00:25 DEBUG (Thread-2) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Device_id: 6dda88 device_update. Command: Unknown command (0x6dda88)
2019-03-27 21:00:25 DEBUG (Thread-2) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Device_id: 6dda88 device_update. Command: Unknown command (0x6dda88)
2019-03-27 21:00:25 DEBUG (Thread-2) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Device_id: 6dda88 device_update. Command: Unknown command (0x6dda88)