Eve Aqua Water valve

Homekit controller indeed. I connected it back ~2 years ago via eve extend:

It doesn’t expose much.
But I have to share that I have had a terrible experience with this device on HA. Keeps disconnecting, goes unavailable during irrigation, was highly unreliable for me - so I ended up replacing it with GiEx Zigbee Chinese for third the price. Apologies for the discouragement :slight_smile:

I appreciate your candidness! I also just ordered the Giex valve from Ali. Good to hear you’re getting a better experience with it, I find that encouraging. How did you integrate it into HA, I have a Conbee II and use DeConz, hoping that’s enough…

I have a ZZH! stick from the awesome folks at electrollama that I’ve been using for about 3 years now. I started with ZHA, but given the compatibility woes I migrated to zigbee2mqtt a few months ago. The awesome stability trick I can offer here is: leave the network open, but limit what can join - any device dropping off finds its way back, I haven’t had to reset or repair a single device ever since, and operating with 135 of them now.

I have 2 giex irrigation controls, one of them controls a micro-dip system for plants in pots, the second is hooked up to a six-way passive switcher (gardena 1197-29), so I ended up building something that have different timings for each loop (depending on sun-intensity), and also scoring them up/down based on actual weather conditions (giex soil moisture sensor) and forecast (openwearhermap).

It’s my first summer with these giex devices, it’d be premature to say whether it lives up to expectations overall, but reliability doesn’t seem to be a problem. Turns off and on in an instance, reports status properly, and exposes:

Apologies for the wildly offtopic reply :slight_smile:

I had as well a bad experience with the Eve extend device. It works better with Esphome Bluetooth proxy on ESP, but I’m still missing the entities I shared above.

Does anyone have a hardware recommendation that will record the total usage, as well? I don’t really need the switch.

Just installed my Eve Aqua and was disappointed to see the usage values not coming into HA.

Sorry to say that the Eve Aqua still works poorly in HA, including with Thread.

  1. Cannot configure run time - just uses default of 10 minutes
  2. Valve shows as a Switch - has not been updated to use the new Valve platform.
  3. Regularly goes Unavailable, when connected on Thread radio (even on Apple Thread network - not SkyConnect)
  4. Consumption information isn’t available but plausibly this could be done with a template
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Thanks for the update, although it‘s not what I had hoped for. Anyone aware of some alternatives using Thread?

I can confirm the same problems. Do you think it is related to HA or to the valve itself? It worked for a while after integrating it as homekit, but now I am not able to use it. I tried to reboot HA and the host, several times, it didn’t solve the problem.

I have no idea, it looks like an expensive toy.

Not the most beautiful workaround, but I was able to make things work reliably by leaving the Eve Aqua on HomeKit.

Created a button in Home Assistant, exposed that to HomeKit and created an automation within HomeKit to open the valve from there based on the button status.

Same here, and I did that also for EVE Thermostats.
Waiting for Valves and Thermostats to get an update to Matter