Eve Thermo over Matter: Add internal temp offset entity

Hi folks,

now that Eve Systems startet the Matter firmware (version 3.3.0) for the Eve Thermo thermostats, it would be really cool to add an entity to HA to control the internal offset of the thermostat.

This would allow us to use BetterThermostat for example to have the Eve Thermo internal offset calibrated by an external temperature sensor in HA.

One can already control the internal offset in the Eve app. So the hope is, you cool guys could add it in HA as an entity :slight_smile:

Best, Julian

Would also love this… i’m having a external thermostat which controls how much heat should be done, but i have one problem: When the eve thinks it’s 30°C it stops heating, even if the external thermostat is only at 22°C… I think it’s a build in function of the eve thermostat… if it detects 30°C it just stops opening the valve position…

Would also love this.

As you guys are cool with the Eve guys, we hope that feature will land in HomeAssistant soon. :smiley: (I really admire the spirit of cooperation you had when implementing the Eve Energy custom clusters for consumption measurements.)

I think Eve is just exposing the TRV options as custom clusters aswell? So if we get the temperature offset, there could be also a way to support

  • valve protection,
  • unit of measurement,
  • child lock and
  • transmitting power

as well.

best regards

Is offset functionality not part of the matter firmware update? I was considering joing the eraly access programm for matter, but offset is a key functionality. Can anyone who already upgraded confirm/deny that offset functionality is working?

It is; but only available inside the Eve app.

Thanks for the clarification! Obviously exposing offset (and the other functionalities mentioned by you) would be much better, but at least there is a workaround.
Heres for hoping this gets implemented in the future.

5 months later and temperature offset, child lock, valve protection and transmitting power are still not exposed to Matter.

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I also can’t get a temperature sensor from my thermo to control my automations, via better thermostats or something.

Is it somehow possible to read the temperature of the thermostat from matter individually?

Childproofing could then be controlled via better thermostat or node-red, for example. By changing the temperature again and again according to the plan. (I no longer want to use Homekit)

Here’s a comparison of Eve Thermo under Homekit and under Matter. Neither have temperature offset, child lock, valve protection and transmitting power, even though the Eve iOS app supports these features and they might be available in Matter, see: LocalTemperatureCalibration.

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I’m also looking to get the temperature as a sensor.
Is there anyway to create a custom sensor reading the temperature from the climate entity ?

yes, you can do this via sensor templates and extract the temperatur:

So i managed to create a sensor template to extract the current_temperature.

I’m using VersatileThermostat to manage them. I currently have one Thermo install via Homekit thread and one thermo migrated to Matter.

But for an unknown reason, only the eve thermo over HomeKit is seeing as heating by VersatileThermostat.

When comparing the climate entity, i see the one over HomeKit is exposing hvac_actions and the over matter doesn’t have this attribut.

Any idea why this attribut is missing from the Matter implementation ?

So after digging into the doc, my problem is the missing hvac_action from the climat entity in the matter implementation.

1. as soon as the number of devices controlled by the VTherm requesting heating (ie its *hvac_action* goes to *Heating*) exceeds a configurable threshold, then the *binary_sensor.central_boiler* goes to *on* and **if a activation service has been configured, then this service is called**,

Is there any way to add the hvac_action to the eve thermo climate entity ?