Eve Thermo overwrite 'current temperature' sensor?

Hello everyone,

just managed to integrate a Eve Thermo 4 into HA via thread. Everything seems to be working just fine.

One thing I’d love to fix with this integration is the reading of the integrated temperature sensor, which is in my case super off. I have another temperature sensor on the other side of the room which does a much more accurate reading of the room temp than the integrated sensor of the Eve Thermo (since it’s not right next to the radiator). That’s why I’d love to somehow use the other temp sensor’s reading to overwrite the reading of the internal one.

If anyone has any idea to accomplishe that I’d appreciate your input.

Thanks in advance!

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Maybe this helps…

You’ve got problems with offset so i suspect that the thermostat itself works as it should(having in mind above mentioned limitations)?
I ask, because i tried to integrate one but the “current temperature” read from the internal sensor does not update/initialize- just stays on 0 degrees. I can change the “target temperature”- it gets confirmed on the device display after setting in ha(it works also the other way- target temperature change using the device buttons gets read by the ha immediately), but as the read temperature is 0 the valve is 100% open all the time.
I’ve “installed” the device using Eve app, then removed it, it was immediately found by homekit integration and i’ve paired it using 8-digit device code. I use sonoff dongle flashed to multiprotocol using this method https://smarthomescene.com/guides/how-to-enable-thread-and-matter-support-on-sonoff-zbdongle-e/ as a border router.

Have You seen such a problem?
