Eve Thermo Temperatur Offset

Hi all,
I have just started using ha and I added an eve thermo 4 thermostat. Because the actual room temperature is different than what the build in sensor is reading, I need to configure an offset. But how do I do that? I already created a template sensor in the configuration.yml like this:

  - platform: template
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.eve_thermo_954a_current_temperature.state | float - 1.5 }}'

but that way I only get a second entity with the correct reading but it is still not mapped to the thermostat entity. Is it possible to override the value of the actual sensor in the thermostat entity?

If you use the eve app there is an offset setting for the thermostat. Is there maybe a way so access this setting from ha?

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Hey! Did you find any solution? I’m looking into the same topic right now… thanks!

I’m also desperately looking for a solution! Would love to somehow be able to use another temperature sensor to overwrite the Eve Thermo’s current temperature sensor value… Did any of you guys manage to fix this?