Even after uninstall of addon, still warnings about it in the log

Hi, dear reader. I’m having a problem.

About a month ago I installed Frigate addon on my Home Assistant OS installation (Intel NUC). Both the betas and official versions, both the “full access” versions and “normal” ones. Everything was done consecutively and there was never a time when more than one Frigate addon was installed. I did it to test the configurations for my girlfriend as she was asking me to help her set up a video surveillance system for her. I managed to get everything set up the way she liked it and I thought was useful and then copied the config over to the installation in her house. Then I uninstalled the addon on my system and everything was great. Or so I thought. When I went to update something on my installation, I saw a couple of messages with the following content popping up every couple of hours.

22-02-18 21:44:44 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate NVR (Full Access) Beta (0.10.0)
22-02-18 21:44:44 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate NVR (Full Access)
22-02-18 21:44:44 WARNING (SyncWorker_6) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate NVR (Full Access) Beta (0.10.0)
22-02-18 21:44:44 WARNING (SyncWorker_6) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Frigate NVR (Full Access)

I’ve looked everywhere I could (known how to), but can not for the life of me find any remnants of Frigate addon on my installation. I’ve uninstalled it a couple of weeks ago and these messages keep coming up anyway. I did try to install, restart the system and uninstall every “flavor” of Frigate addon since then, just to see if the messages will disappear but to no avail. I’ve asked the Frigate dev for help but he said he has no idea why something like that would happen and suggested asking on this forum.

Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Anyone? Bumping this just once in hope someone sees it.

Is the frigate repository still in the add-on store ? Try removing the repository there too.

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Thanks!! Removing the repository did it.

I had the same issue on supervisor log and i solved it removing frigate repo from hassio. But, casually i investigate about mqtt traffic on my server and this is the result:

My question is: how is this possible?

It seems frigate is not completely uninstalled and the service is up and running but i don’t know how to verify this. I’m running hassos 7.5 in a proxmox vm.

I also have frigate mqtt events even though ists uninstalled! Anyone know how to really remove it?


For the MQTT part of the issue, in case someone else like me just spent 2 days banging the keyboard across their face. The messages in MQTT are most likely retained messages that never expire, sending a NULL byte to that topic sets retain to false. I used.

“mosquitto_pub -d -h “YOUR_MQTT_BROKER_HOST” -p 1883 -q 1 -t demo/topic -n -r”