Event Bus in Node-RED

In the HA user interface, the third button lets one fire events. How can I listen to these events in Node-RED? More specifically, I am trying to listen to telegram_callback like in the following automation:

- alias: "Telegram Callback"
    - platform: event
      event_type: telegram_callback
        command: '/snooze'
    ... (some action)

Thanks for your help!

An Events: all node with Event Type: “telegram_callback”

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Worked like a charm, thank you @Kermit

@davosian, I am struggling with the exact same thing. I can actually get the event triggered, how do I do the telegram_callback /snooze command ?

I have switched to the HA iOS app for notifications in the meantime, but I think you should get the /snooze command in the callback details under event_data. See here for details: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/telegram_bot/#event-triggering