Everhome / Cloudbox integration

For my roller blinds from Jarolift, I am using the dedicated cloudbox with the app and webservice from Everhome. Everhome is providing a API interface, but unfortnatally I am not skilled enough to implement this in my Home Assistant.
The support from Everhome posted a comment, it should be easy to connect Everhome with Home Assistant with following informations:
Is there a wise pro, who can help in this integration?

Hi, I have the same request - please help somebody ! :slight_smile:

Thanks !

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what is the status on this issue?
is there already a solution

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Unfornetly not… :disappointed:

Hi everyone,
I have the same request. The Dev’s from everhome didn’t describe howto set it up in HA.
Maybe someone could make a small tutorial step by step.
That would be very nice!

Hi, i have the same request.

In this german discord channel, there is a node-red configuration to allow to integrate everhome to Home Assistant.