Evohome on HASS.IO

a good day

i have hass.io quit a time
but the 1 thing i want to worki is my evohome
if i am going away that the temp is set to away temp but noting works on that side
maybe somebody can help me in some way

regard m00s

On my todo list there is an evolution of the evohome component to include mode changes. Unfortunately I found I miss both time and know-how to do it :roll_eyes:

My current workaround is using IFTTT to set the thermostat mode from HA. If you need help feel free to ask for some details.

i do need some help with iftttt

its been a long time sinds my last post but now i have time or this kind of things to handle

the only thing i want to do is
when enter ad exit a home zone that everything is on on scheduleand when i leave that everything i on modus away

thanx allot for the effort

First, setup an IFTT account, enable the Honeywell evohome channel.

For scheduled: create an applet, use Webhooks for the THIS part, choose an event name like “honeywell_default”, choose Honeywell Evohome -> Disable a quick action for the THAT part.

For Away: create an applet, use Webhooks for the THIS part, choose an event name like “honeywell_away”, choose Honeywell Evohome -> Enable a quick action with action Away". you should end up with something like this:

In Home Assistant setup the IFTTT platform with your API Key, then setup two scripts:

    - service: ifttt.trigger
      data_template: {"event":"honeywell_away", "value1":"", "value2":"", "value3":""}

    - service: ifttt.trigger
      data_template: {"event":"honeywell_default", "value1":"", "value2":"", "value3":""}

Then you can setup two automations:

- id: honeywell_away_when_out
  alias: Termostato Away uscendo
    - platform: state
      entity_id: group.all_devices
      from: 'home'
      to: 'not_home'
    - service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.honeywell_away

- id: honeywell_default_when_in
  alias: Termostato Normale rientrando
    - platform: state
      entity_id: group.all_devices
      from: 'not_home'
      to: 'home'
    - service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.honeywell_default 
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thanx allot for the help everything workt out

but still its strange that there is not a good fix with the evohome
i used domoticz and there works everything fine

but again thanx allot

Nog i have a nother question is it also possible to Change the temp
And That i can set for only 1 zone

I would like to know the same. How can you set the temp for 1 zone specific ?

I only configured the Honeywell component and it recognized my 4 zones as 4 different independent thermostat. The operation mode (“Away”) doesn’t work, but the temperature setpoint does work fine.

  - platform: honeywell
    username: !secret honeywell_username
    password: !secret honeywell_password
    region: eu
    scan_interval: 20

Thats true but if you going away then you want your thermostat to a loer degree or if yiu Come home you want is to a higher degree and then comes the ifttt Come in handy

And the region is not Needed its standard eu if let it blank

Try to make a New Applet and the Webhooks give it a name and the search on evohome scroll Down and thera it is set temp to zone

Is scan_interval 20 reliable for you @namadori? I’m using 200 at the moment and it’s way too slow.

Yes, for me 20 is working fine.