Although this might not answer your question directly I would get rid of the eWeLink Smart Home integration and use SonoffLAN instead. Check whether your switch/bulb is supported.
If you decide to give it a try make sure to remove the eWeLink Smart Home integration and restart HA once before installing SonoffLAN.
Why would you recommend that particular integration?
I’m new to HA so this setup is just a test bed for me to see what works and what does not. If I don’t come right with built in one I will give that one a try.
Do you have to put your devices in DIY mode or will that integration (SonoffLAN) pick it up that the device supports LAN mode when it pulls the devices from the cloud?
Nope, just install SonoffLAN through HACS, restart HA and follow some basic configuration steps according to the GitHub page of this custom integration.
Guys, I restart HA every day using automation, however after restart buttons to control ewelink switches in lovelace stop responding and only working after pushing manually on “sync lovelace card” on ewel8nk page.
Can that synk be automated too? Couldn’t find that button in automation page…