Example how to connect an ECG monitor to Home Assistant

Ikea lamps, refrigerators, and doorbells are connected to Home Assistant. But we do not interstand why nobody created a simple example to connect for instance an ECG heart rate monitor to Home Assistant:


We suffer from the lack of an easy platform for physiological sensors based on Home Assistant since years.

Our project is based on open source platforms. Only for coders who do it for free and for fun. We do not have a lot of money to pay for it.

The reason is simple: While there may be some user interest (I searched the forum and could not find any, other than your posts) there are no developers interested in doing it for you for free.

There are many legal issues involved with developing medical devices that developers may not want to be bothered with. Especially without proper compensation.

Your entire post history is basically about begging people to do this sort of thing for you for free.

We get it. You’re interested in it. So please stop creating new feature requests and developer posts about this same topic. Just bump the existing topics you have already created.

Also what is the home automation application of this?

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