thanks for the reply. I want to try this but it looks like I have a other current state node?
don’t have the output properties.
Putting nodes in serie won’t get what I wanted
I have found my soloution.
Only the entities - funciton - telegram nodes.
Entities I read out and with the function I made the message with the right value’s and information combined with the text I want.
In the funciton node the follow codes
msg.payload = {
"chatId": "xxxxxxxx",
"**WEERBERICHT** \n" +
"Weerbericht Morgen = \n" + msg.payload[101].state +
"\n \n Temparatuur Morgen = " + msg.payload[26].state +
" °C\n Regenhoeveelheid morgen = " + msg.payload[36].state +
"mm\n Regenverwachting morgen = " + msg.payload[51].state +
"%\n WindKracht morgen = " + msg.payload[61].state +
" Bft\n \n Weerbericht OverMorgen = \n" + msg.payload[102].state +
"\n \n Temparatuur OverMorgen = " + msg.payload[27].state +
" °C\n Regenhoeveelheid Overmorgen = " + msg.payload[37].state +
"mm\n Regenverwachting Overmorgen = " + msg.payload[52].state +
"%\n WindKracht Overmorgen = " + msg.payload[62].state +" Bft"
return msg;
Is there an equivalent tigger node similar to this “get entities node” that can use regex on attribute? See below screenshot, how can I get trigger node with these condition? Thanks.
that’s smart usage. thanks!
Ok. But anyone can tell me how to use it to send some message to people who are actually in “home” i use get entity node, it work well but have no idea how to send notification to that one entity.
i mean. i left home, and 3 more person still in home. then something happend and wont to that 3 person get notification about that, without me cuz im not “home”
[{"id":"0c0ac1bad0f3dd34","type":"inject","z":"894a6b3077af9604","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":282,"y":784,"wires":[["6804063ea0604dc8"]]},{"id":"6804063ea0604dc8","type":"ha-get-entities","z":"894a6b3077af9604","name":"","server":"","version":0,"rules":[{"property":"entity_id","logic":"starts_with","value":"device_tracker.","valueType":"str"},{"property":"state","logic":"is","value":"home","valueType":"str"}],"output_type":"split","output_empty_results":false,"output_location_type":"msg","output_location":"payload","output_results_count":1,"x":454,"y":784,"wires":[["d801a3b8a45754cc"]]},{"id":"d801a3b8a45754cc","type":"function","z":"894a6b3077af9604","name":"","func":"const userMap = {\n \"device_tracker.homer\": \"mobile_app_homer\",\n \"device_tracker.marge\": \"mobile_app_marge\",\n \"device_tracker.bart\": \"mobile_app_bart\",\n \"device_tracker.lisa\": \"mobile_app_lisa\"\n};\n\n\nif(userMap[msg.payload.entity_id]) {\n msg.payload = {\n service: userMap[msg.payload.entity_id]\n };\n \n return msg;\n}","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":620,"y":784,"wires":[["ce38aaf1ee9ee9ec"]]},{"id":"ce38aaf1ee9ee9ec","type":"api-call-service","z":"894a6b3077af9604","name":"","server":"","version":3,"debugenabled":false,"service_domain":"notify","service":"","entityId":"","data":"","dataType":"jsonata","mergecontext":"","mustacheAltTags":false,"outputProperties":[],"queue":"none","x":790,"y":784,"wires":[[]]}]
i love you
One more thing.
How to get notify about battery lever of entities by friendly name?
I mean i have 23 “battery” sensors. how to use get entity to make me know what of them are low than 20% for example, bu using firndly name in notification?
I would love to have something like this too!
This was perfect, and exactly what I was looking for. Thanks heaps!!
isn’t friendly name one of entity attributes? If so having access to entity object you should be able to use obj.attributes.friendly_name
Possibly it’s passed with a message too.
That is exactly what I use to check my battery devices. I use the device class property to get all the devices and friendly name property to exclude the specific devices I am not interested in (phones, tablets and Roomba). Works great.
Am I missing something with the get entities and getting the contents of a group?
Nevermind, looks like I choose the wrong time to play with the code as there was a bug which was just resolved with the latest companion update.