Exclude domain, but include entity_globs?


until yesterday i had only a lot of excludes, but now i tired to include a entity_globe for an domain i still had excluded!

this leads into a fatal loss of all recodings, except the include entity_globe.
if i use the single include entity, it works correctly.

did i made something wrong, or isn´t it possible to use entity_globes in this case?
i want to prevent adding every single entity in this case…

my recoder setting…

  include: #Include entities
#    domains:
#      - 
    #  - binary_sensor.*_contact
      - binary_sensor.aqara_dw_26_contact
      - binary_sensor.aqara_dw_27_contact
      - binary_sensor.aqara_dw_28_contact
      - binary_sensor.aqara_dw_29_contact

  exclude: #Exclude entities
      - binary_sensor
      - button
      - script
      - light
      - number
      - zone
      - sun
      - update
     # - switch
      - automation
      #- sensor.*current
      #- sensor.*voltage
      - sensor.*power_factor
      #- sensor.disk*
      - sensor.load*
      #- sensor.memory*
      - sensor.swap*
      - sensor.network*
      - sensor.packets*
      #- sensor.processor*
      - sensor.samba_backup
      #- sensor.disk_use_percent
      #- sensor.disk_use
      #- sensor.disk_free
      ##- sensor.memory_use_percent
      ##- sensor.memory_use
      ##- sensor.memory_free
      #- sensor.swap_use_percent
      #- sensor.swap_use
      #- sensor.swap_free
      #- sensor.load_1m
      #- sensor.load_5m
      #- sensor.load_15m
      - sensor.network_in
      - sensor.network_out
      - sensor.throughput_network_in
      - sensor.throughput_network_out
      - sensor.packets_in
      - sensor.packets_out
      - sensor.ipv4_address
      - sensor.ipv6_address
      ##- sensor.processor_use
      ##- sensor.processor_temperature
      - sensor.last_boot

thank you in advance

Judging by your ( extensive ) “Exclude” List , i suggest you Swap Strategy… Use only Include, it has the benefit that you “ONLY” get what you want, add a new device, and you never know what you get, so you always have to check anyways what ( entities ) it provides, unless you will have it to “write to disk” for s… you don’t want/need/use
Beside new integrations, updates of same etc., and updates for your devices can also include new entities

PS: it could/would always mean that you have to think alittle in regards to your “naming-strategy”
I.E your “sensors” seems like you got a “bunch” related to your router " sensor.rt.* , same with Disk, ok you only have 1 (for now) … I.E sensor.d1.* etc. etc.
All this is something to consider when you install a new device/integration, then create entity_globs for the “initial” entities you want/need, if you later find that you want a few additional entities from your i.e router, you just name it cording to either the entity_glob you initial created, or add the new entities as is, or create a new entity_glob , cording to it’s purpose/location/or-what-ever

hi @boheme61
sorry for late reply and thank you for your good advises. :smiley:

as i have a lot more to add for include rules rather then exludes, i had started this this way.
now after a couple of month of expirience with homeassistant i might will proofe my kind of strategy and give it a try…
but renaming of entities, i would not see as an option for me…
but i´m checking my growing number of entities regualrly with an “Template Entitiy export” and i had analysed all of them in MariaDB and Influx number of records per day, to find my best exludes to reduce db size…

but thank you very much!