Exclude failed and now Remove Device is grayed out

Hi all. I’m a user with a fairly low level of expertise. This morning, I decided to replace a Zoos switch with a Zoos scene controller. I started by going to:

Setting>Devices and Services>Z-Wave>Hub>Configure

to exclude the switch. I clicked on “Remove Device” and tapped the bottom half of the switch three times. The blue LED began blinking and then after a few seconds it turned red and then back to solid blue.

The message in HA said the exclusion had failed and directed me to review the Log. I’ll copy what I think is the relevant entry at the bottom.

I decided to try again, but the Remove Device link is now grayed out. I restarted HA, and that didn’t help. What did I do wrong, and how hane I get the link back to try to do it right?

ZWaveError: The node failed to decode the message. (ZW1405)
    at Driver.sendMessage (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:5549:23)
    at Driver.sendCommandInternal (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:5747:28)
    at Driver.sendSupervisedCommand (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:5792:27)
    at Driver.sendCommand (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/driver/Driver.ts:5840:30)
    at Proxy.set (/opt/node_modules/@zwave-js/cc/src/cc/BinarySwitchCC.ts:142:24)
    at Proxy.<anonymous> (/opt/node_modules/@zwave-js/cc/src/cc/BinarySwitchCC.ts:164:16)
    at ZWaveNode.setValue (/opt/node_modules/zwave-js/src/lib/node/Node.ts:1187:39)
    at NodeMessageHandler.handle (/opt/node_modules/@zwave-js/server/dist/lib/node/message_handler.js:19:43)
    at Object.node (/opt/node_modules/@zwave-js/server/dist/lib/server.js:51:92)
    at Client.receiveMessage (/opt/node_modules/@zwave-js/server/dist/lib/server.js:134:99)

Select the greyed device, open advanced menu at the bottom and choose “remove failed nodes”

Actually, the device is still there and working fine. The greyed out “Remove Device” link is on the hub’s Configure page as shown in the pic.

Even though the exclude said it failed, you can always try it again. If you have problems including the node again, you will have to do the exclude again first then include. Alternatively if the device has a factory reset option that will remove the zwave network from the device but will not remove the device from the network (that is where the remove failed nodes comes in). Nodes will listen for an exclude command from anywhere which is why the device exclude procedure usually requires a sequence of presses not normally activated during typical use.

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UPDATE: I did find a post talking about the greyed out link and the solution was to restart the add on. I went in and noticed I have two Z-wave add ons. Keep in mind I am kind of a noob. I’ll play with HA, get it working, and then return months later to do something forgetting half of what I previously learned.

Anyway, I have both “Z-wave JS” and “Z-wave JS UI”. At some point, I added both but am apparently using the latter one, because the other was stopped. I restarted Z-wave JS UI, got the greyed out link back, and tried to exclude the device again. Worked like a charm this time.

So now that my original issue has been resolved, I’m trying to remember why I might have selected the Z-wave JS UI add on over the other. If it ain’t broke, I guess I shouldn’t fix it, but I am curious what the preferred add on is. There must have been some reason I selected one over the other.


I believe Z-wave-JS UI is the preferred Add-on, but it’s a 3rd party Add-on and not provided or directly supported by Home Assistant.

That said, it provides a UI for managing Z-wave devices as you have used, where the other add-on does not. It’s much better from a user device management perspective and is actively developed and supported. They are basically separate GitHub repositories.

Both add-ons use the same driver, so you should get the same entities and device experience from both.

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Thank you.