Execute a commande on google assistant from homeassistant


Is is possible to send command TO googleassistant FROM home assistant?

Example : I want to use an automation to say “play spotity on chromeacst audio” to google assistant.

I read in this : Trigger a Google Assistant command from HA?

But did someone get it working better way now?

Why do I want to do that?
It is to go around spotify component bug that forget sources. Even if my cromecast audio doesn’t appear in spotify component my google assistant succeed to start it.

It could also allow to use other google command without equivalents in homeassistant.

Maybe I miss other topic about that, sorry if this is the case.

This can broadcast messages and send commands to google assistant.

For messages:
http://hassio.local:5000/broadcast_message?message=“the lights are on”
For commands:
http://hassio.local:5000/command?message=“turn on lights”

Did you ever get a good solution for this?

One of my big issues with handling this and how to trigger Chromecast/Spotify listening.

same problem here