Expand plaato Integration

I saw that there is a ingegration for Plaato (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/plaato/) but only for the Airlock. Would be great if it also supported the Plaato Keg

Could get them manually by using their API but a integration would be nicer! :smiley:

Hi. I’m the author of the Plaato Airlock integration. The integration is currently using the webhook to automatically get all the data instead of having to request it periodically per pin. And what I can see in the API documentation the keg have no webhook. But I guess it wouldn’t be too difficult to make use of the pins instead just for the keg.

Unfortunately I don’t have a keg myself so I haven’t had the need for a an integration. I’m also kind of swamped in terms of time. But I’ll see if I can free up some time in the near future.


Wow that’s awsome! Yeah I don’t have plaato keg yet either just saw that they had added the info in their api documention.

I just wanted to give you a quick update on the progress. I have completed a python module for the Keg and the Airlock using the pins api. You can find it here https://github.com/JohNan/pyplaato

I’m currently working on a new config flow in Home Assistant. Since the auth token you get from Plaato is unique per device you will have to create a new integration per device. I have not found a way of simply adding another device using a an already setup integration. But I will dig a little more and see what I can find out before putting it aside. As soon as I have something that kind of work I will pushed to my fork of HA in a separate branch.

I also have to say that I’m not an experienced python developer, so feedback and contributions are welcome.

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any chance of having it on HACS or something. i would LOVE to use this as i love home assistant and lone my plaato keg but can not for the life of me work out how to set this up. i am not a programmer at all.

It’s going well but slow. I need to clean up the code and add some missing strings and will push it to my fork once that is ready. I’ll also make a separate repo that you can use in HACS while home assistant crews are reviewing it. I’ll post here when it’s done.

The pull request has been submitted: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/34760

Great work mate. Look forward to hopefully installing via hacs sometime :slight_smile:

Here you go: https://github.com/JohNan/home-assistant-plaato
Use this until it has been merged into the core. Not sure how it will act if both are installed at the same time.

Let me know how it turns out for you :slight_smile:

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awesome. it seems to have installed. only issue i had was both config pages had ZERO text as in the were totally blank so i just had to guess what was being requested like an auth code or such.

can you please share screen shots of the setup pages/options so i can see what i need to fill in on them. cheers.

I also get this in the home assistant log.

FYI, The above issues has been resolved. Both the PR and the HACS compatible are updated.

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Looks great, Johan, thank you! I opened a ticket with Plaato to determine why pin v64 is documented but not working. It’s supposed to be the name of the Keg but it comes back as “Requested pin doesn’t exist in the app.” I see in my HA logs the same is true for v67 and v68:

2020-05-06 13:00:29 ERROR (MainThread) [pyplaato.plaato] Failed to decode json for pin v67 - Expecting value
2020-05-06 13:00:30 ERROR (MainThread) [pyplaato.plaato] Failed to decode json for pin v68 - Expecting value
2020-05-06 13:00:30 ERROR (MainThread) [pyplaato.plaato] Failed to get values for DATE, ABV

These errors occur because the field isn’t filled-in inside the Plaato app. Which is a harsh way for them to handle it, why not return an empty string? Anyway, I filled them in with spaces and it’s happy now.

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Total newbie here. Could someone please explain how I add the HACS compatible version to my Hassio? I try to copy the repository and add it under “custom repository” in the HACS menu, but I always end up with a GitHub 404 error. I also tried to copy the plaato folder into custom_components, and this changed the “plaato airlock” integration so it only showed “plaato”, but when i try to add it it returns to the overview of all available integrations.

Any help is much appreciated. Cheers

I’ve added the custom repository and are able to add the “plaato” integration, but I also got blank text in those two config boxes. Do you remember which values I’m supposed to add when I’m gonna connect for the kegs? Whats the checkbox and so on :slight_smile: Thanks!

I managed to install it.

I first added the latest release from github to custom_components folder, then I removed the old Plaato installation before I restarted the device. After that I found the new Plaato integration when searching for integrations and could get the installation tutorial. Looks fine, I’m at the step where I need to put the token.

Now I just have to wait for my auth token to get delivered by mail :slight_smile:

I tested the Plaato Keg integration - pulled form github on Sept 21, 2020 (db50828c6d6ba3b4c6364383d6b691123c852598). I didn’t get labels in the integration UI like the above post. I have several errors in the log as well. I only get “leaking” and “pouring” entities showing uup.

020-09-22 11:38:43 ERROR (MainThread) [pyplaato.plaato] Failed to decode json for pin v64 - Expecting value
2020-09-22 11:38:45 ERROR (MainThread) [pyplaato.plaato] Failed to decode json for pin v67 - Expecting value
2020-09-22 11:38:45 ERROR (MainThread) [pyplaato.plaato] Failed to decode json for pin v68 - Expecting value
2020-09-22 11:38:46 ERROR (MainThread) [pyplaato.plaato] Failed to get values for BEER_NAME, DATE, ABV
2020-09-22 11:38:46 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform plaato.sensor: Platform not found (cannot import name 'PERCENTAGE' from 'homeassistant.const' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/const.py)).

Ah, I was 2 days behind on my HA builds. Updated to the latest and the log errors have gone away and all entities are available. The UI is still blank, though.

Keg support has finally been merged into core. https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/34760

I’ll update the custom integration with the latest code as well, but it will soon be unnecessary to use.