Expected float for dictionary value @ data error for input_number helper after update to ver 2021-12

After upgrade to HA ver: 2021-12 existing, and functional, automation that used an input_number Helper now throws up error “expected float for dictionary value @ data”. Has this affected anybody else? Does anybody know if validation rules have changed in new ver perhaps? Tried lots of Template variations but no joy. Only seems to accept hardcoded value e.g. 18.

  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - type: is_temperature
            condition: device
            device_id: f5c5ea5d70b56d996e98025edf5e4712
            entity_id: sensor.multipurpose_sensor_temperature_measurement
            domain: sensor
            below: input_number.workshop_temperature
          - condition: device
            type: is_off
            device_id: 605ff1d8af18a154681e99c5d6b7249a
            entity_id: switch.heater_1_large_room
            domain: switch
          - scene: scene.turn_on_workshop_heaters