Experience on DSMR and meter replacement

Two days ago I got new smart meters (Netherlands Liander) because my old ones were 10 years old. The new one is a Landis + Gyr E360 SMR 5.0 (CM3D) combined with a Flonidan Uniflo G4SRT. I haven’t found much information about the replacement of meters while using DSMR integration, so I just share my experience.

  • I tried to get information from the subcontractor in advance, but they were not cooperative at all.
  • Replacement took only 30 minutes
  • Upgrade from DSMR V2.2 to V5 is really an upgrade since V5 has more extended information. I now get power information from 3 phases separately (and more).
  • I had to remove and re-add the DSMR integration (direct USB connection to P1) and reboot HA (docker) to change the DSMR version to 5.0. I couldn’t find another way to change version.
  • After that it took a while for new entities to pop-up. Be patient!
  • The new entities got different names. First I tried to add the new ones to my energy dashboard and remove the old ones, but that seemed to remove all history. After that I renamed all entities to the old ones and that fixed my energy dashboard automatically.

So what’s left?
I have some issues left for which I contacted both my energy supplier and Liander, but Liander said it could take up to 10 days for these issues to settle automatically. They said the activation is still beeing processed.

  • My electricity meter remains on low tariff 24/7. Liander confirmed this is expected during max 10 days of activation.
  • The display of the electricity meter shows the meter number of the gas meter, but no m3.
  • Gas meter shows usage (0,5 m3 after 48 hours) and says it is connected.
  • P1 telegrams show no info from the gas meter at all. HA shows: unknown.
  • The energy supplier tells me they do have information about my meter replacement, but they do not yet receive any usage information.

So I’ll just wait and see if these issues indeed resolve themselves in the next 8 days. It would be interesting if anyone could confirm this answer is not just “have you tried turning it off and on again”? :grimacing: Anyway, I’ll keep you posted.

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Update: after 6 days, around 18:00 a lot of issues were resolved automatically:

  • Electricity meter is now switching between low and normal tariff.
  • The electricity meter (display) shows meter number and reading of gas meter.
  • HA receives gas readings and shows them. Updates every 5 minutes. (much better than 60 minutes)
  • Electricity usage is now shown on the portal of the energy supplier. Gas is still missing.
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Great info! We are getting a new meter soon, so I expect to go from DSMR 2.4 to 5.0.
I was thinking of just adding the new sensors to the Energy dashboard (and not removing the old ones), or is that a misconception?

And by ‘renaming the new ones’ did you mean that you named ‘sensor.<new-name-which-I-don’t-know-yet>’ for instance to ‘sensor.electricity_meter_power_consumption’?
Can I find these new names somewhere?

Anyone else experienced a meter change?