Experimenting with Hass.io and docker-compose

So, I currently run Home Assistant in a virtual environment on a Raspberry pi. However, I would like to migrate my regular server (which is much more powerful) to run a plain container OS, with the intention of running Hass.io and some other things. I plan on using Rancher on RancherOS.

Using the regular hassio-installer will however not work, since basically nothing is installed in RancherOS. The scripts will simply not run. So I started exploring how to work around this and managed to get Hass.io running quite simply using docker-compose. There are a few caveats and it’s not perfect, but I would like to share the simple configuration here in case someone else wants to give it a spin.

The configuration with some documentation is available here:

Since I currently only launch one container, this could simply be replaced by a single docker command. But I kept using docker-compose nonetheless for future use-cases.

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Hass.io is 2 containers.

I think I have the names right.
Each addon is its own docker container too.

Have you seen the hass.io install script for generic Linux? It might help you out.

The OFFICIAL install for generic Linux is at Installation - Home Assistant

Please do not use another method and expect assistance here when it does not work correctly.

Yes, a full Hass.io system contains of the supervisor (hassio_supervisor), Home Assistant (homeassistant) and any potential addons (addon__). You are never supposed to start or create any other container than the supervisor, as the supervisor is responsible for the other ones. Launching the supervisor is specifically what this composer file does.

Actually, Pascal has created a repository with an installer that can be used nowadays:

I looked at the installer script, so my composer file is basically the end result of running that script (on an x86_64 system).

And that is actually what the official page uses to install the supervisor & homeassistant containers. That is what I am running on Raspbian Lite.

Ah, I missed that it actually pulled the script from there. Good to see that documentation is up to date :slight_smile: It’s not very relevant, but the script only installs the supervisor and the supervisor pulls and installs the latest homeassistant once it has launched.

Either way, after running the script both are installed.

That script is maintained by Frenck, a more than frequent poster here. And, uh, sorry to have offended you?

Hello - is anyone still experimenting with this configuration ?
Also interested to use RancherOS or CoreOS as main platform for the Homeassistant.

Successfully installed with similar recipe - but ha:8123/hassio link is not answering - so I’m not able to operate any addons from the system.

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Yerp, I have achieve the same with similar results. Also, converting the installer into a docker-compose service yielded a few permissions issues. Not sure why the behavior is different, but it is. Going to continue experimenting with this, as it would tie in nicely with all the other docker containers I have already running on my server, and I prefer to use docker container managers over systemctl services as it makes it a lot easier to move between machines, where I just have to backup my docker-compose.yml and the config/data dir and I can run the exact same setup anywhere with a git clone && docker-compose up.
Anyway, to your reply, I don’t have an answer at this point, but I am really hoping to figure it out…

Nice to see - someone going into the same direction :wink:

I actually got some improvements as well - problem with addons is solved with such workaround - go to the homeassistant container and add ip address with the following command:

ifconfig hassio

All the add_ons available, update also works fine. But general stability of the system is low - when you restart hassio_supervisor - sometimes it is not starting all the needed components. Usually I have to restart some containers manually after reboot.

My opinion - it could be solved on the system level at hassio_supervisor if developers decide that such config is needed and supported. My final results was achieved at Core OS stable branch.


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@postlund Can this be an alternative method of running Hass Core and Supervisor in generic linux (Docker) if “Home Assistant Supervised on generic Linux” gets finally deprecated?

I believe this solution corresponds to running HA supervised on generic Linux (since the supervisor is run), so I don’t think so I’m afraid.

Ok, then the only to go seems to be ha core in docker and then one by one the plugins as docker containers, if the supervised solution gets deprecated.