Expose a service for manual refresh for `media_position` entity


Similar to No media_position update

I use the homeassistant.casting entity to write some “smarter” skip buttons for watching YouTube (skip 10% forward, skip to 3mins, skip N seconds…);

However, the media_position (apparently by design) is only updated when the media is started or stopped; these means that often “relative” scripts operate off a stale time, which makes it kind of annoying.

I understand the argument that given HomeAssistant’s state-based system that not debouncing media_position can be problematic – most notably flooding logs in Recorder [Github]

However –


I was hoping that maybe a service would be exposed to force a manual fresh to allow for “just-in-time” updates – i.e. when I press the button it would allow a limited or small window of calculations to occur, such that calculations done immediately after would be relatively correct – the service homeassistant.update_entity seems promisingly named but does nothing.

Actually – for anyone else who has this problem…

it just occured to me that I can hack at it with forcing a media_player.pause followed immediately with a media_play.