Expose Energy counters in addition to power ones


As of today the great Netatmo integration gives us power entities, and we need to use the homeassistant Riemann sum integration to integrate the power into an energy measurement.
Unfortunately the results is not as good nor as precise that what we can see in the Netatmo/Legrand app, and looking at the Netatmo API it seems the energy measure is available in an endpoint.
So if we could have the energy measure

  1. No need of an extra Riemann sum (tedious when like me you have more than 50 devices, even if I made a script for that)
  2. Way better accuracy for the energy measure

Those new energy sensors may have to have device_class total_increasing and in kWh.

Thanks for this great integration

up for this important request!

thx Francesco … the Riemann integration on the power sensors we have to get energy consumption per device is very flaky and we don’t get the same data as the more accurate Legrand/Netatmo ones …