Expose Motion , Occupancy & Presence to Google Assistant

Title says it all. Would be great to see these entities in Google Home for their automations.

I don’t know that the google assistant code knows what to do with these things, however. That would be something Alphabet would have to do first.
HA already has to kluge in HA scripts as scenes because they didn’t know what to do with scripts results.

Occupancy is supported (on Google’s side)

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I know this has been available for at least 6 months as a Google Smart Home trait. I saw a Hubitat integration add this back in June. I was just hoping the maintainer saw this and implemented it before I made a feature request.

To be fair, temperature and humidity sensors have only recently started showing data on Google. So clearly the Home Assistant team is trying to keep up as best as they can.

I didn’t think temps even worked as the last I checked they didn’t, so no longer export them. I use it for flipping switches and setting positions all the time, don’t get me wrong. I had never seen occupancy or presence.
I stand corrected.

Temps were fixed in March if I remember correctly. I just leave things that don’t display correctly in a room called Z so it’s at the end of my list. Once I notice them working, I edit them to move them to the correct room. Currently my PM2.5 is the only device that should work but doesn’t, but I know CO2 isn’t showing either according to a GitHub issue I posted to.


Just found this…
Not exactly, but related…
Exposing Google Home/Away mode to Home Assistant.