Expose not being respected, exposing anyway

I’ve tried clicking reset test in google actions console, I’ve tried saying sync my devices as well as clicking the sync event inside of google assistant integration on homeassistant webui. I’ve tried putting the exposed_by_default above and below the entities definition. I’ve even tried unlinking and relinking the integration to my Google Home app. Why can’t I get these entities to stop exposing (relay_1, relay_2, etc.)…


I see this in diagnostics report in google assistant integration:

"query": {
      "devices": {
        "switch.tasmota": {
          "online": true,
          "on": false
        "cover.topgate": {
          "online": true,
          "openPercent": 0
        "switch.gate_opener_relay_1": {
          "online": true,
          "on": false
        "switch.gate_opener_press_relay_1": {
          "online": true,
          "on": false

Bump, please advise if this is an esphome entity issue or what. Thanks