I have a weather station and see the data in ha with the wundergroundpws platform:
- platform: wundergroundpws
api_key: !secret wu-api
pws_id: !secret wu-stat-id
numeric_precision: none
monitored_conditions:- temp
- dewpt
- heatIndex
- windGust
- windSpeed
- winddir
- uv
- pressure
- precipTotal
- precipRate
- humidity
however, I want to ask alexa for the different values, but only the temperature related sensors were exposed to nabu casa (temp, heatIndex, dewpt).
My plan is to build a group in alexa called “weather station” and add the devices to this group/room, but I want also ask for the wind speed, pressure. “Alexa, what is the wind in weather station”. And Alexa should answer in xx km/h.
is this possible?