Exposing a HA script in Google Home - confusing results

I’m trying to expose a script via my Google Assistant integration.

When I expose_by_default: true and don’t specify any exposed domains, I see all of my physical devices in my Google Home app, so I know the integration is working.

But if I explicitly expose a script (with entity_config) or if I specify “script” in my exposed_domains, they do not appear as devices in my Home app, but when I go to the “Linked Services” page, it shows my Home Assistant Actions has '6 devices’

I have 6 scripts, so they are clearly being seen in Google Assistant/Home but they (a) do not appear as individual/controllable devices and (b) I cannot interact with them via voice with one of my Google Home devices.

should exposed scripts appear as devices in the Home app? is there a step I’m missing?

Ever find a solution here?

I’m now in the same boat. I’ve exposed an HA script, but I can’t find it in the Google Home app or use voice commands from Google Assistant.

yeah, it’s super clunky but it works.

Let’s say in HA you have a script titled “foobar”

In Google Home, you have to create an automation. Trigger that automation however you like (including using your voice, let’s say it’s “hello world”). The action your Google Home automation needs to do, however, is to issue a custom command, where you’ll type: “activate foobar”

Now, when I say “OK Google, hello world” – my HA script is run.

Interesting. So here’s what I did, but it still doesn’t seem to work for me.

* in Google Home app, go to AUTOMATIONS and select “+ Add”
* Select “+ Add atarter” and insert the exact phrases I want to be able to say.
* Select “+ Add action” and selected, “try adding your own experiment with custom actions”, which was the bottom option.
* Entered “Activate INSERT SCRIPT NAME” → did not work via voice. So I even tried clicking the Play icon in Automations in the Google Home app, and that did not work.
* Then tried again with “activate insert script name” → same result with capital letters.

any ideas what I could be doing wrong?

UPDATE - I just discovered “Add Scenes” at the bottom of the device list when choosing the “Adjust Home Devices” option after “+ Add action”. This appears to have added the exact scene that’s enabled and it worked when I pressed the Play button on the automation within the Google Home App. I haven’t had a moment to test with Google Assistant by voice, but hopefully that solves it.

hmmm… in your steps listed that did not work, those are precisely the same steps I took and it has worked for me. I haven’t done anything with “scenes”

interesting. Mine works for pressing the Play button, but fails for voice.

Did capitalization matter for you?

it doesn’t seem to matter.

The custom action text is:

“Activate send TV audio to the kitchen”

And the name of the script in HA is:

“Send TV audio to the kitchen”

thanks. And you can say, “Send TV Audio to the kitchen” and it works?

yep, to be specific, I say: “hey google, send TV audio to the kitchen” and it works every time. the only times it doesn’t work is when the voice to text gets messed up (i.e. sometimes it thinks I say “set TV audio to the kitchen”), so I have to over-enunciate it… on that point, I’ve been meaning to come up with a less error-prone phrase for about a year now :slight_smile: