Hi, I’m trying to figure out a way to expose two Arlo base stations armed/disarmed status (integrated via aarlo component) to HomeKit as a switch to allow arming and disarming the base stations easier. The switch would allow controlling the armed (switch in “on” state)/disarmed (switch in “off” state), but also display the relevant state of the switch depending on the current status of the base stations. Since there are two base stations, I’d like them both to be armed/disarmed simultaneously, and for the switch to display “on” status only if both are armed, or “off” only if both are disarmed. If this is too complex, two separate switches could be an option too.
This is how the arm action looks like:
- entity_id: alarm_control_panel.aarlo_base_station_1
service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
- entity_id: alarm_control_panel.aarlo_base_station_2
service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
And this is the disarm action:
- entity_id: alarm_control_panel.aarlo_base_station_1
service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
- entity_id: alarm_control_panel.aarlo_base_station_2
service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
What’d be the best way to achieve this?