Extend or shorten a timer ⏳


I would like to share my little script. It took me some time to finish it. I found it difficult to find the right information. Unfortunately, many relevant questions in this forum were answered with solutions in which the original approach was no longer needed.

My goal:
I wanted a simple way to specify a time period after which an automation would be triggered. This period should be flexible, changeable and cancelable.

In my specific case, I have two valves that I sometimes forget to turn off. Since I plan to purchase a lot more, the script should be universally applicable. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get it to work completely independently of helper entities.

Here is an example of my Lovelace Card:

Screenshot 2024-05-16 213111

What do you need:
You need a timer for each entity you want to trigger an automation for.

Here is the script:

alias: X Sekunden zu Timer
  - service: timer.pause
      entity_id: "{{ entity }}"
  - variables:
      newDuration: >-
        {% set r = (state_attr(entity,'remaining')|default("00:00:00",true)) %}
        {% set parts = r.split(":") %} {% set result = parts[0]|int * 3600 +
        parts[1]|int * 60 + parts[2]|int %} {% set result = result + change %}
        {{ result|int }}        
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ newDuration < 5 }}"
      - service: timer.cancel
          entity_id: "{{ entity }}"
      - service: timer.start
        metadata: {}
          duration: "{{ newDuration }}"
          entity_id: "{{ entity }}"
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ wasActive == false }}"
      - service: timer.pause
        data: {}
          entity_id: "{{ entity }}"
description: >-
  Füge x Minuten zum übergebenen Timer hinzu, diese dürfen auch negativ sein.
  Fällt der Timer dabei unter 5 Sekunden, wird er abgebrochen. War der Timer
  nicht aktiv, wird er nach dem Hinzufügen pausiert.
    name: Timer
    description: Der Timer, welcher verändert werden soll
    example: timer.timer_x
    required: true
        min: -86400
        max: 86400
    name: Change
    required: true
    default: 300
    description: Der Wert in Sekunden um wieviel der Timer verändert werden soll
  entity: "{{ timerEntity }}"
  change: "{{ changeValue }}"
  wasActive: "{{ is_state(entity, 'active') }}"
mode: queued
icon: mdi:timer-edit-outline
max: 12

The script has 2 fields that must be set when called.
The entity_id of our timer helper entity and the seconds by which we want to change the timer.
First we pause the timer so that the remaining attribute is updated.
If the new total time is less than 5 seconds, we cancel the timer. No finished event is thrown.
Alternatively, we set the new total time.
At the end it is checked whether the timer was originally active. If this is not the case, it is paused again.

Here is my card config:
I use values ​​of 300 to increase/decrease the timer by 5 minutes

type: entities
  - entity: switch.hochbeet_ventil_1
    name: Hochbeet Ventil 1
    toggle: true
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
      - icon: mdi:minus
          action: call-service
          service: script.x_sekunden_zu_timer
            timerEntity: timer.abschalt_timer_hochbeet_ventil_1
            changeValue: -300
      - entity: timer.abschalt_timer_hochbeet_ventil_1
        attribute: remaining
        name: false
      - icon: mdi:plus
          action: call-service
          service: script.x_sekunden_zu_timer
            timerEntity: timer.abschalt_timer_hochbeet_ventil_1
            changeValue: 300
  - entity: switch.hochbeet_ventil_2
    name: Hochbeet Ventil 2
    toggle: true
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
      - icon: mdi:minus
          action: call-service
          service: script.x_sekunden_zu_timer
            timerEntity: timer.abschalt_timer_hochbeet_ventil_2
            changeValue: -300
      - entity: timer.abschalt_timer_hochbeet_ventil_2
        attribute: remaining
        name: false
      - icon: mdi:plus
          action: call-service
          service: script.x_sekunden_zu_timer
            timerEntity: timer.abschalt_timer_hochbeet_ventil_2
            changeValue: 300
  - entity: sensor.hochbeet_temperatur
  - entity: switch.hochbeet_steckdosen
  type: graph
  entity: sensor.hochbeet_temperatur
  hours_to_show: 24
  detail: 1

A note about triggering automations:
I created automations using the UI. Here timer.finish was offered to me as an event. But that is the name of the service call. When the timer expires, the event is timer.finished

I hope this is helpful to others. If you have any suggestions or questions, please let me know.

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