the SolarEdge and the SolarEdge Local Integration are great, if you want to have your production / consumtion-stats visible in the new Energy Dashboard - or in your own Dashboard configuration (or both)…
But, after reading the documentation of the API provided by SolarEdge, it is clear, that you can do much more with it… unfortunately, not yet supported by the Integrations from HomeAssistant.
But - with NodeRed, it is possible to send API requests and feed them into your HomeAssistant.
I have added the “environmental benefits” as well as my revenues (calculated by the Monitoring) to the Dashboard…
But it’s also possible to get a complete inventory with relevant information such as Firmware Version of the Inverter, the type of Solar-panels installed - and so on.
Unfortunately, the available SolarEdge Contributuion does also not support the type of requests (inventory, environmental Benefits, …) therefore, I’ve created a newer version, which can be found on my Github Repo (https://github.com/ChristophCaina/node-red-contrib-solaredge-2)
These are the types of request, currently supported with this version of the contribution…
And here’s my flow to get the environmental benefits and the revenue…
So - and right now, this is my personal Energy / Solar-Dashboard…
maybe, I will switch one or the other card… (like the gauge…)