Extending Bluetooth coverage with Raspberry pi zero


I am using Bluetooth with a Sena antenna, and it works quite well… except for some small areas in my apartment.
I would like to extend the Bluetooth coverage by using one of the Raspberry pi zero I have - I used to do that for another domotic system (jeedom) in the past.

Is there a way to set up a Raspberry pi zero as a secondary Bluetooth antenna ?


Have you looked into this? Bluetooth Proxy — ESPHome

I did not, but this would not allow using the R Pi zero, right? If there is a solution on an existing equipment for me, it would be more convenient…

No, it’s on ESPhome. The devices are quite cheap.

I understand, sometimes it is better to change the hardwaare :slight_smile:

Which ESPHome device would be the most convenient to use ?

thanks again for the suggestion.

Any ESP32 should do. I use the Atom M5 stack lite cause of the design / size. Check aliexpress.

Thanks, ordered !

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