(deprecated) Extensive roller shutter control including shading (brightness, sun position, temperature, forecast)

Can you please share your blueprint?

Hi, können Sie mir das auch schicken, habe ebenfalls solche Sensoren und wĂŒrde die gerne benutzen. Danke :slight_smile:

Danke fĂŒr denn Tollen Blueprint, genau danach habe ich schon gesucht. Beschattung konnte ich zwar aus Grund von schlechtem Wetter noch nicht testen, aber der Rest lĂ€uft aktuell gut. Einzige mit dem Fenstergriff Sensoren muss ich schauen wie ich da was baue. Damit das LĂŒften klappt. Kann schon verstehen das man in so einem Umfangreichem Projekt nicht alle WĂŒnsche umsetzen kann.
Danke fĂŒr die Arbeit, Pflegen und das UnterstĂŒtzen bei fehlern. :+1:

Naja, du kannst dir doch einen eigenen Sensor auf Basis des 3-State basteln und den nimmst du dann im Blueprint.
Hat den Vorteil, dass du den “eigenen” Sensor auf TRUE stellen kannst, wie du magst (ob nun bei gekippt und offen oder nur bei gekippt).


Well, you can make your own sensor based on the 3-state and then use it in the blueprint.
This has the advantage that you can set your “own” sensor to TRUE as you like (whether for tilted and open or only for tilted).

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Ja ich denke so werde ich es machen, muss nur mal sehen wie das gemacht wird. Bin da noch recht neu drin. Habe so einen Sensor noch nicht erstellt!

e.g. How to convert an 3 state Homematic window sensor into 2 state binary_sensor? - #6 by Georg1 :slight_smile:

make a copy of the blueprint, search for “window_sensor” and change (on/off) to (open, tilted, closed) where it logical fits.
And don®t forget to change the domain of “window_sensor” → “binary_sensor” into “sensor”
line 292 in the last version.

@Eimeel und wie könnte ich realisieren, mit dem Drehgriffsensor (Homematic) beim Zustand gekippt die Ventilationsöffnung, bei offen dann komplett hoch fahren? Und was passiert, wenn das Fenster geöffnet ist und das Rollo geplant herunterfahren soll? Bei nur Homematic-Komponenten habe ich es ĂŒber Direktverbindungen auf Kanal 5 / 6 gelöst. Jetzt soll eine Rademacher Gurtwickler mit einem Homematic Drehgriffsensor funktionieren.

Beim Kippen auf ventilate_position bedingt halt einen binary_sensor, der auf “on” wechselt. Dann wird automatisch die ventilate_position angefahren.

Komplett hochfahren beim Öffnen einer TĂŒr ist nicht unterstĂŒtzt. Werde ich auch nicht einbauen, weil ich mich nĂ€mlich genau mit dem Thema Aussperrschutz nicht auseinandersetzen möchte :slight_smile:
Wenn man aber door auf True setzt, sollte nicht runtergefahren werden, solange der window_sensor ein True/On meldet.


Moving to ventilate_position requires a binary_sensor that switches to on/true. The ventilate_position is then approached automatically.

Complete opening the blind by opening a door is not supported.
I won’t implement it either, because I don’t want to deal with all possible forms of lockout protection :slight_smile:
But if you set door to True, the blind should not be lowered as long as the window_sensor reports a True/On.

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Thank you @Eimeel for your hard work to provide us with this great blueprint!

Just a small idea - what could be added - is a trigger when it is freezing outside
 external blades should be tilted to a certain degree - to prevent them to freeze together.
And a speed limit (like from the weather station) - to fully open/specific setting the blinds to prevent damage. So all would be controllable in one place. Right now I solved this with another automation
 but this could be done better :slight_smile:

are there any activities on an integration for this topic?
i think the whole (at least german) community would highly appreciate auch a solution, as this (at least for me) is the only missing part in homeassistant right now.

i’m thinking of something similar to: GitHub - jeroenterheerdt/HAsmartirrigation: Smart Irrigation custom component for Home Assistant

thanks, gyle


And a speed limit (like from the weather station) - to fully open/specific setting the blinds to prevent damage.

Sorry, I don’t get it. What do you mean with “speed limit”?
I don’t think that I will at any freeze protection but I want to understand it :slight_smile:

Nope, as far as I know there is currently no activity to create an integration. But I would highly appreciate it as well.
Adding additional functionality to the blueprint makes debugging more and more terrible.
But my python knowledge is almost zero, so 

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If you like, you can take a look at my variant. This was once a fork of Eimeel. I’m quite busy at the moment and am rebuilding a lot. But I should be slowly approaching the end.

GitHub: https://github.com/hvorragend/ha-blueprints/tree/main/blueprints/automation


thanks, i will have a look!


first thanks for this awesome Blueprint.

Now to my issue :wink: Im using this Blueprint to control a Curtain. In general the Shading, aswell as Auto Up/Down works without any problems. But in combination with the ventilation setting I figured out a strange behaviour.

As the Curtain was open (mid of the day) I opened the Door behind it. After some Minutes I closes the Door and then for somehow the Curtain was closed, even if it was mid of the day and it normally should have stay open.

In my opinion, this is probably due to the ventilation setting - is something like this known?
or would anyone have an idea how I could solve this?


I bet you use 100% as ventilation value. Change it to 99. :slight_smile:

I bet @crandler is right :slight_smile: See Extensive roller shutter control including shading (brightness, sun position, temperature, forecast) - #79 by crandler

Btw: 99 is only a good value for ventilate_position (in the special case) if position_tolerance is 0. Otherwise ventilate_position should be open_position - ventilate_position - 1.

If it’s not the case, please share your configuration and update to the newest version, set “Check configuration” to true and trigger the automation. Check for any configuration issues in the logfile.

Could you speed up? I want to hand over all support questions to you :smiley:

after I posed my issue I also saw the small note that 100% isn’t a good value :wink: thanks there. seams to work now.

sometimes RTFM helps a lot
