External Access to Home Assistant Lost

Hey all, I recently upgraded my home modem + router setup (router is Netgear Orbi WiFi 6 mesh system; previously was using Google WiFi) and have since lost access to my Home Assistant instance externally.

I had configured HA to use a custom domain over port 443 so I didn’t have to append :8123 to the end of the domain. I’m using Let’s Encrypt + NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy to do this.

After upgrading my router setup, I made sure to change my external IP in my domain’s A record so that it could find my HA server.

However, I continue to have issues accessing it. I can get to TasmoAdmin which is forwarded on a specific port, but I cannot get to my main HA instance. I have even tried the suggestion here to forward 8123 and get to it that way, but I’m not having any luck.

I keep getting “400: Bad Request” when trying to get to it.

I checked my router to see if remote management was enabled (which it is not), so I don’t know if the router is locking down 443 for some reason or another.

I’m thinking I’m probably just missing a step somewhere, though I haven’t been able to figure out the answer through the forums quite yet.

If anyone has any insight, that’d be swell!


Add this to the http: section in configuration.yaml (instead of 127.0.01, you may need to add the actual nginx ip)

  use_x_forwarded_for: true    

Home Assistant

2021.7: A new entity, trigger IDs and script debugging

Presenting the select entity, identify the automation trigger by an ID, debugging and tracing for scripts and easily parse dates in templates.


Beautiful. That’s what I missed. Thank you!!