External python devices to HA

Hi Together,
I am new to the forum, but have been using HA for a few months now. What I missed several times is a simple bridge to integrate sensors and actuators on other hardware in HA. For example to control the IOs on another Raspberry, or just send any values as a sensor to HA.

pydevice2mqtt does nothing else to provide devices via mqttdiscovery according to a certain scheme and then manage them. Since these are configured by a YAML configuration file on the source device, a large number of sensors can be generated this way without any effort.

Currently the module supports bi-directional control of Raspberry Pi GPIOs (using the gpiozero library), text to speak via espeak, the ability to start and stop subprocesses via a switch, and the creation of arbitrary sensor types that simply pass data from the source device.

Since everything is on the source device, this can also be placed in a separate repository without having to adapt the HA config for new sensors.

Maybe someone can do something with this.

Its also available on pypi

Greetings and thanks for the best home automation system in the world!

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