So I have the strangest of issues which I cannot solve. All of a sudden yesterday my External URL on my companion app (Android mobile) stopped working.
I can however access this External URL through any other device and/or browser.
My partners app is working fine.
The external url on the companion app works if I’m not on my home WIFI (4G). Went into the office today and it works fine on work’s WIFI.
What is it about my WIFI network my phone/companion app doesn’t like about accessing the External URL?!?! Again I can access the URL through a web browser on my phone. I’ve tried rebooting the router.
You need to see what your phone gets as a response when it asks for your external URL. From the DNS server your router is telling your phone to use. Because it is either getting no response or a bad response. Once you figure that out you can continue troubleshooting
I have a similiar problem. No problem accessing my with Let’s encrypt secured URL from my phone and any browser. But when I try the companion app (it’s installed on the same phone) it doesn’t work. Error message is “ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED”.
When I try the URL used by the app ([my domain]/?external_auth=1" in the browsers it doesn’t work either but with a different error message: “Unable to connect to Home Assistant.” with a countdown to retry.
I got the same issue few weeks ago, i canot access from Mobile App with External Access, However when I’m in local the Mobile App work perfectly. I can also access with brower from external without any issues. I delete and re-install the app, i got an Error 6.
Any ideas to solve this. Thankyou
It doesn’t seem to be a companion app problem but the URL it’s calling.
When I try to open “[my haos domain]/lovelace-custom?external_auth=1” I have the problem, too. I tried multiple browsers/computers.
I guess it’s some kind of forwarding problem.
Are you guys all using a reverse proxy?
Edit: I’m no expert with Chromes Developer Tool but I get a 404 error downloading [haos url]/manifest.json.
Yes, I’m using Nginx proxy.
the url is the same, i checked several browers on computer it’s working, but from my phone it giving an error evenif from browser (chrome) of HA mobile app (screen shot attached).
this happen after upgrading HA.
any ideas ? thanks