External zone file

okay first post here. I have tried all the splitting up config zone information I could find on this site and I can’t seem o figure out if I have done it right or not.
My config yams has the following

zone: !include_dir_list zones

then I have a folder called zones inside my .homeassistant folder.
insider here I have a bunch of yams files

one example is as follows (no spaces all just left justified)

name: Bri Work
latitude: -xxx
longitude: xxx
radius: 100
icon: mdi:work

what I figured was if I went to developers tools and looked at states it would show me a zone.Bri_Work. But I can’t see any other zones except zone.home

in writing this I have decided to not split (to trial if I can get them working normally. so I changed my config to this to see if they would show up

Zone 2:
  name: Bri Work
  latitude: -xxx
  longitude: xxx
  radius: 100
  icon: mdi:work
Zone 3:
  name: CBR Work
  latitude: -xxx
  longitude: xxx
  radius: 100
  icon: mdi:city

so first mistake I made was capital Z.
changed that to zone and that has now made them show up where I thought they would (dev tools state). So that means my include directory thing 'aint doing what she suppose to. All I can think so far is possibly spacing. if I had a single include file I would expect the file to need a double space to start as the code is going zone:putsomethinghere. I think maybe I need to use include_dir_merge_list so it gets everything and puts them into a list but then how do I increment “zone” for example zone 2, zone 3 etc.

thanks mate. I tried everything in this thread and couldn’t get it to work.

Try and put all the zones in one file.
zone: !include zones.yaml

And leave a line return after each zone entry.

okay cool thanks @cameron. turns out it was all down to spacing and returns after the zones. I am using text wrangler for coding and un hid everything so I could see spacing and returns. I had two spaces and your code had three spaces in places, plus the returns. so It is working now with the !include file.

Try SublimeText. It does the formatting for you for the most part and autodetects a number of formats. It has the added bonus of being able to save specifically in UTF-8 format, so if you ever copy and past an example form the forums with an odd character like an accent or the degree symbol, saving in UTF-8 format will automatically convert the character so that you don’t end up with a cryptic error that makes you lose hair and eventually creates a pull request to HA.

Yes. Been there. LOL

Yes nice price for SublimeText $70

I have stuck with notepad ++

Sorry just went on the Sublime website and

Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. There is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation.