I’m trying to get the date and time of a calendar event into the extra_data_template area of my sensor.
This works and displays correctly (kind of…) as a standard sensor:
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Next Event"
value_template: "{{ (states.calendar.<mycalendar>gmailcom.attributes.message) }} on {{ as_timestamp(states.calendar.<mycalendar>gmailcom.attributes.start_time) | timestamp_custom('%-m-%-d-%Y @ %H:%M') }}"
Then If I remove the timestamp section from the sensor and add it to the customize section like this:
icon: mdi:calendar-alert
extra_data_template: ${as_timestamp(states.calendar.,mycalendar>gmailcom.attributes.start_time) | timestamp_custom('%-m-%-d-%Y @ %H:%M')}
I get:
But the extra_data_template doesn’t show up below.
Is the code that I’m trying to use supported or is there a different way required?