When I use the “Clean MQTT” tool in ESP Home, the double ups disappear, but soon come back mysteriously after an hour. I think the double ups are coming from the ESP MQTT publishing. How do I solve this? I actually only need to publish the “Ring HK Chime” to MQTT.
You should be able to publish all the data to mqtt but avoid home assistant auto discovery by setting the mqtt config options “discovery” and “discovery_ip” to false.
As for deleting the ghost device, go to the main integration page for esphome, where each device has the word CONFIGURE on the right side, and click the vertical 3-dot menu next to that. Edit: if you don’t want to delete both, also check the vertical menu next to the VISIT link.
In the past I have deleted both entries and then re-added (after making a note of the fixed IP address). Sometimes the integration seems to get a bit confused