Extract data from energy cards

According to Energy cards - Home Assistant we can show some energy informations.
The type energy-sources-table, is very interesting but I really to get the totals of everything intead of displaying that on the dashboard. Wife is more interested for the total of energy/water/gas cost than where is coming from.
So is there any was to get such data somewhere else ?
Kind regards

Hi Xavier, the data that is used in the energy cards are just gathered from the entities that you have added to HA and the energy dashboard is just adding them up and presenting them in that way.
In other words, you cannot extract info from there.

If you go to the devices that measure the data, you’ll see the results for that device.
Now it’s a thing to gather what you want to keep an eye on and display in a card.

Have a look at this: How to sum energy and power sensors?

Well I agree the table has been done by gathering entities I gave to energy panel, but since I don’t want to reinvent the wheel, I would to find a nice way to get them (the 4 of them) to my dashboard. See pic.
I can sum energy and power sansors, but this is so sad we cannot use the work done on this energy dashboard somewhere else…

Have you looked if there is any custom card that suits your need?

Well I have several cards, digged in lots of things, but I didn’t found any card suiting my needs.
So I expected we can find some way to extract such data somewhere… Maybe this can be a feature that can done on some version of HA ?

The above is half true. Cost is a bit hard to calculate when you have different tariffs during the day or over long periods. The dashboard does create some sensors for cost afaik, the entity ids end with _cost. They are hidden from the UI by the integration but you can find them if you seach. The do reset to 0 at reboots etc, so you would need to wrap them in a utility meter to get for instance daily cost.

Yes you are right, I found them.
Now I have “wrap” into utility meter to have my daily costs.
Capture d’écran 2024-09-29 à 10.20.56