Extract kWh Value and Post to Energy Sensor

Unfortunately, I don’t have an energy meter monitor and my provider doesn’t have an API which I can tap into. I do, however, get my total kWh consumed over the previous day in a daily email.

I have managed to extract this value in Node Red and insert it into msg.html. Now, I would like to “post” this to the HA energy feature so I can keep track of daily usage.

Based on some Googling, I tried to create an energy sensor this way.

        # Set up a friendly name
        friendly_name: Yesterday's Household Energy Usage
        # Use kWh, as that's the unit of the source
        unit_of_measurement: kWh
        # Set the icon
        icon_template: mdi:history
        # Store yesterday's cumulative energy in a new variable
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.household_energy_daily', 'last_period') }}"

As well as some utility meters:

    name: "Tri-County Electric Daily Usage"
    source: sensor.tce_energy_in_kwh
    cycle: daily

    name: "Tri-County Electric Monthly Usage"
    source: sensor.tce_energy_in_kwh
    cycle: monthly

Neither of these are selectable as energy sources under ADD CONSUMPTION.

How can I get this value I extracted from the email to post into the energy database for yesterday’s usage, preferably continuing to use Node Red?

I managed to get the values into Home Assistant. Current challenge is to get the historical data to post to the correct date. From what I can gather, that may not be possible with the current design unless I manipulate the database manually.