Extract value from MQTT and rename

Dear All,

i have been trying now for more than one week but unfortunately have not suceeded yet, so i am asking you for help:

I am working on a LORAWAN automation an receive packages over MQTT.
The packages look like this:


The important information are contained in the "object-part:


In order to handle the information i have created a sensor in my configuration.yaml:

    - name: "Door_state"
      unique_id: lorawan_state
      state_topic: "xyz"
      value_template: > 
        {% if is_state('value_json.object.DOOR_OPEN_STATUS','1.0') %} open
        {% else %} closed
        {% endif %}
        identifiers: lorawan_door
        manufacturer: Dragino
        name: LDS02
    - name: "Door_Voltage"
      unique_id: lorawan_battery
      state_topic: "xyz"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.object.BAT_V }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "V"
        identifiers: lorawan_door
        manufacturer: Dragino
        name: LDS02

The battery voltage is working like a charme, but i do not get the values for the state translated into “open/closed”.
Just coding "value_template: “{{ value_json.object.DOOR_OPEN_STATUS }}” is handing over correctly the “1.0” or “0.0”

    - name: "Door_state"
      unique_id: lorawan_state
      state_topic: "xyz"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.object.DOOR_OPEN_STATUS }}"
        identifiers: lorawan_door
        manufacturer: Dragino
        name: LDS02

I have also ttried:

      value_template: > 
        {% if value_json.object.DOOR_OPEN_STATUS == "1.0" %} open
        {% else %} closed
        {% endif %}

This is unfortunately also not working.

What am i doing wrong?

How can i get the open/closed status from the 1.0 or 0.0 signal?

Thanks a lot

is_state is incorrect, here.It’s used to check the state of HA entities

Just do

{{ 'open' if value_json["object"]["DOOR_OPEN_STATUS"] == 1.0 else 'closed' }}

And because it’s not a state but coming from a JSON object, the value is actually a number:

You could (should?) make this a binary sensor with device class of door:

    - name: "Door_state"
      unique_id: lorawan_state
      state_topic: "xyz"
      value_template: "{{ value_json['object']['DOOR_OPEN_STATUS']|int(0) == 1 }}"
      device_class: door
        identifiers: lorawan_door
        manufacturer: Dragino
        name: LDS02
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Thank you so much!
@koying: Your solution is working fine.
@Troon: Unfortunately i was not able to get it running. Altough i see the advantegas of having a binary sensor, i can also live with the first solution.

Thanks again!

Troon’s way will work (and is a better idea) if you take my value template and replace “open”/“closed” with “ON”/“OFF” (uppercase)

Oh yeah, the default payload of the MQTT binary sensor. Forgot about that.

      value_template: "{{ 'ON' if value_json['object']['DOOR_OPEN_STATUS']|int(0) == 1 else 'OFF' }}"

Hi !
I have the same problem. What is wrong ?

- name: “État de la porte du garage”
state_topic: “xxx”
value_template: “{{ ‘on’ if value_json.decoded.payload.DOOR_OPEN_STATUS else ‘off’ }}”
device_class: door
payload_on: “on”
payload_off: “off”
identifiers: “lorawan_door”
manufacturer: “Dragino”
name: “LDS02”

thx for help