Extracting certain parts of a string

I am using feedparser to get weather alerts. The results come in like this:

How can I extract everything but the "- title: " at the beginning?

Sensor setup:

  - platform: feedparser
    name: Weather Alert
    feed_url: 'https://weather.gc.ca/rss/warning/on-151_e.xml'
      hours: 1
      - title

Thanks so much!

Copy-paste the following template into the Template Editor and let me know if it reports what you want.

{% for x in state_attr('sensor.weather_alert', 'entries') %}
 {{ x[7:] }}
{% endfor %}

Where do you want to display the information?

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Thanks so much for the reply! I would like to display this in a card on the dashboard. When I put that into the template editor, it gives me TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice'

I can help you fix the template but none of the standard cards support the use of a template other than the Markdown card.

What’s the result of this:

{% for x in state_attr('sensor.weather_alert', 'entries') %}
 {{ x.title }}
{% endfor %}
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{{ state_attr(‘sensor.weather_alert’,‘entries’)[0].split(’: ')[1] }} might work

Change the 0 to 1 for the next line.

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Your suggestion to use split assumes each item in the list is a string. The first template I posted made the same assumption (and attempted to slice off the first 7 characters of the string). However it resulted in an error, so it’s not a string. I’m led to believe each list item is a dictionary (where the key is title and its value is a string).

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I get this…
Awesome! So theres no way I can get that on my dashboard??
Right now it looks like this:

I tried that and I got this:

UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'split'

If it is a dictionary, then, I think, this should work:
{{ state_attr(‘sensor.weather_alert’,‘entries’)[0].title }}

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You can use it in a Markdown card.

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Yep, that worked great! But what if there are 2 or 3 or x number of alerts?

The template I posted uses a for-loop to display all of the available warnings. If there are no warnings, nothing will be displayed (and the template won’t produce an error message).

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Yes, yes! Amazing…


My existing card on top. New markdown card below. Awesome that it will display x number of alerts too!!
Thank you VERY much!

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You’re welcome!

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Thanks again. This is exactly what I was looking for…


I have another feed, very similar, where I only want the first 3 title entries. How would the code above change?

Edit: Answered my own question:

{% for x in state_attr('sensor.cbc_news', 'entries') %}
{% if loop.index <= 3 %}{{x.title}}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

I do have one more question for you. You can see from my post from 3 days ago how it looks with 3 alerts. Do you know why it looks like this with only 2 alerts…


In order to answer your question I would need to see the sensor’s screenshot (like the one in your first post) displaying the two alerts in its entries attribute.

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Here is the sensor setup in config…

  - platform: feedparser
    feed_url: https://weather.gc.ca/rss/warning/on-151_e.xml
    name: Weather Alert
      hours: 1
      - title
      - language

Is that what you needed? Thanks again!

I needed to see a screenshot of the sensor’s details, like the image in your first post. However, it’s probably too late now because there are no current advisories for your area.