I am using an bluetooth gateway to gather temperature data from several temperature sensors. The gateway sends the data through mqtt to my homeassistant. That part works wonderful.
The message of the gateway looks like following. It sends the data of several temperature sensors in one message:
I am having trouble with configuring the mqtt sensors. The value_template needs to go through all entries, checking if the mac address is the right one and then choosing the temperature value.
So far this is how the sensor looks like, but I have no clue how to do the value_template.
- name: "Temperatur"
unique_id: "minew_s1_1"
state_topic: "gw/ac233dv18ddc/status"
device_class: "temperature"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
value_template: >-
name: Minew Gateway 1
model: Gateway G1
model_id: ac233fc18ddc
manufacturer: Minew
identifiers: ["minew_g1_1"]
Can anyone help me please?
Thanks a lot.