Extracting sensor data


is recently set up a power metering tool named ‘Volkszaehler’.
This sends data by mqtt (tool pre-configured with Tasmota) So still things to do:

  • still struggling with the local power vendor to get the PIN code for the SmartMeter to extract more data…
  • maybe change to ESP

For first tries, i get the following data by mqtt, set up a sensor to show the value but missing the correct value_template (or what may help me here).

Data i get:
Goal: extract the value after “Total” as a number (2 digits).

Not the expert how to do that so maybe anyone can point me into the right direction?
Thanks in advance!

You could try this out yourselves in the devtools > template section…e.g.

Got it!
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction - solution is:

    - name:  "stromverbrauch_total"
      state_topic: "tasmota/discovery/C8C9A31080A7/sensors"
      icon: mdi:counter
      value_template: "{{ value_json.sn.DWS74.Total | int }}"