Extracting two numbers from a string

For my irrigation control I want to predict the possible rainfall from two sensors, one always gives a a chance of rain in % the other the amount in mm. Multiplying these two together is sufficient for my needs, however it is complicated by the fact that the amount is sometimes given as a range, e.g. “3 to 5”.

I’ve come up with this sensor that works for about 90% of cases where the amount is given as single digit ranges:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Predicted Rain'
        - sensor.bom_hobart_chance_of_rain_0 # always a single int 
        - sensor.bom_hobart_possible_rainfall_0 # two formats. Single int or "int_1 to int_2" e.g. "3 to 4"
      unit_of_measurement: mm
      value_template: >
        {% set chance = states('sensor.bom_hobart_chance_of_rain_0')|int / 100 %}
        {% if 'to' in states('sensor.bom_hobart_possible_rainfall_0') %}
          {% set amount = states('sensor.bom_hobart_possible_rainfall_1') %}
          {% set amount_avg = (amount[0:1]|int + amount[5:]|int )/2 %}
        {% else %}
          {% set amount_avg = states('sensor.bom_hobart_possible_rainfall_0') | int %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ chance * amount_avg }}

Is it possible to alter this to encompass all possible values of n and m in “n to m” , not just n and m < 10?

So this will work and return the average

{% if 'to' in  states('sensor.bom_gosford_possible_rainfall_2') %} 
{% set var =  states('sensor.bom_gosford_possible_rainfall_2').split(' to ')  %}
{% set var1 = var[0] | float %} 
{% set var2 = var[1] | float %}
{% set mean = (var1 + var2) / 2 %}
{{ mean }}
{% else %}      
{{ var }}
{% endif %}

Beat me to the post. I was busy cooking up something that turned out to be very similar to your solution.

The principal difference is that I don’t check if the value contains to and simply split it regardless. I then check the resulting list’s length to determine how it should be handled.

      value_template: >
        {% set chance = states('sensor.bom_hobart_chance_of_rain_0')|int / 100 %}
        {% set x = (states('sensor.bom_hobart_possible_rainfall_1')).split(' to ') %}
        {% set amount = x[0]|int if x|length == 1 else (x[0]|int + x[1]|int)/2 %}
        {{ chance * amount }}

Six of one, half a dozen of the other …

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Thanks David. I think that has done the trick:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Predicted Rain Tomorrow'
        - sensor.bom_hobart_chance_of_rain_1 # always a single int
        - sensor.bom_hobart_possible_rainfall_1 # two formats. Single int or "int_1 to int_2" e.g. "3 to 4"
      unit_of_measurement: mm
      value_template: >
        {% set chance = states('sensor.bom_hobart_chance_of_rain_1')|int / 100 %}
        {% if 'to' in states('sensor.bom_hobart_possible_rainfall_1') %}
          {% set amount =  states('sensor.bom_hobart_possible_rainfall_1').split(' to ')  %}
          {% set amount1 = amount[0] | float %}
          {% set amount2 = amount[1] | float %}
          {% set amount_avg = (amount1 + amount2) / 2 %}
        {% else %}
          {% set amount_avg = states('sensor.bom_hobart_possible_rainfall_1') | int %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ chance * amount_avg }}
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I haven’t got anything to add except Hello, from Cygnet Tas. I think I might use this.