Extremely slow refresh

I am new to HA, and have pretty much only set up an alarm system, using BWAlarm. I can also enable the alarm through Lovelace alarm card.

I am running HA 0.107.7 on a Rasberry Pi+. I am using Konnected cards for my alarm (5 cards, 30 channels). I can access HA from my desktop through Chrome, on my Samsung Tab A tablet running Android version 9 and HA App 1.8.0-144. All is well, and things update fast.

However, I bought a new low-cost Android tablet for wall mounting, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082867SXP/. It seems reasonably fast and responsive for most things. I have very little loaded on. However, if I try to refresh the screen in the app, or from Chrome, it takes 2-3 minutes to finally render the screen. The Lovelace view has the alarm system card, a filtered entity card to show open sensors, and a button card. The same action on my Tab A takes 2-3 seconds. Unfortunately, if a reload is needed when someone enters the house, the siren will be going off before the refresh occurs.

The tablet is running Android version 9, and I have tried Home Assistant app, Wallpanel, and web url through Chrome. I believe all of these methods actually use Chrome to render.

I am connecting locally only, and have only given the apps (and Chrome) the direct http url, not the duckdns url.

I tried Ariela, but that app could not render some of my Lovelace cards (filter entities, button), and exposed all of my cards (I am using custom header to limit the cards seen by the wall tablet). The reload on Ariela was much faster, but the functionality was not what I was looking for.

So the problem APPEARS to be isolated to the new tablet, and likely to the Chrome engine rendering.

I could live with 10 second reload, but several minutes just won’t work. What should I be looking at on the tablet to adjust, diagnose, or replace? I hope it is just something needs tweaking, as I cannot see it reasonable to take that long to render.


I tried a few more things, including a complete factory reset, then contact HA through chrome. Still slow. So i returned the tablet, ordered something different. We’ll see.


Your alarm problem could be circumvented by not having it sound immediately after entering the house. For example, if alarm is armed and the door has opened you’ll have 30 seconds to put in a code or else it will trigger.

Also if slow is a problem, I’d suggest using something else then a rpi. Trust me rpi is slow no matter which version you have it will still be sluggish at best.

I do have a delay upon entry. However, as noted, this particular new tablet took 2-3 MINUTES if it needed a screen refresh to re-render the screen. My 2-3 year old Samsung takes 2-3 seconds to re-render. On PC it is near instant. Dirt cheap (Blu) phone also renders within seconds.

So, the issue is with the tablet. Taking 2-3 minutes to render not acceptable.


Update: Got a new Dragon Tech 7" tablet, and it refreshes quickly and stays connected to HA. Not sure what was up with the Fusion5 tablet, which seemed to work reasonably well with most things, but took forever to refresh HA. Thanks to Amazon, full refund.
